Linkage Infrastructure, Equipment and Facilities - Grant ID: LE0882347

Funding Activity

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Funded Activity Summary

High field magnet for materials processing and characterisation. The proposed infrastructure project will bring many Australian-based researchers together to create a completely new niche of materials processing research. Such a facility will be the first of its kind in Australia. This facility will be located in Australia and thus the time required to process and characterize materials will be significantly reduced without a need to send them overseas. As a consequence of the proposed collaboration, a large number of high quality papers and patents are expected. The facility will increase Australia's position in the field of advanced materials processing and will also provide new ideas and concepts, which will be used in practical applications.

Funded Activity Details

Start Date: 2008

End Date: 12-2008

Funding Scheme: Linkage Infrastructure, Equipment and Facilities

Funding Amount: $340,000.00

Funder: Australian Research Council