Linkage Infrastructure, Equipment and Facilities - Grant ID: LE0989680

Funding Activity

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Funded Activity Summary

Interuniversity Elemental and Structural Analytical Facility. The items in this proposal will form the first stage of a larger facility for Elemental and Structural analytical programs in materials engineering and the natural sciences. The vision is to create an analytical facility which will have at its core and at the outset true collaboration leading to great national benefit. The equipment will be available via on-line access management allowing equitable and transparent access for users from multiple institutions. The resulting facility will complement existing microstructural capabilities and networks and will be open for all researchers and collaborators to use, further enhancing the national benefit.

Funded Activity Details

Start Date: 2009

End Date: 12-2009

Funding Scheme: Linkage Infrastructure, Equipment and Facilities

Funding Amount: $300,000.00

Funder: Australian Research Council