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Start Date: 07-2020
End Date: 12-2023
Amount: $167,911.00
Summary: Asian Migration in the 21st Century: An Integrated Account . Migration is a defining issue of the 21st Century. Despite its significance, migration is poorly understood because different types of movement are conceptualised, measured and studied separately. This project aims to develop an integrated understanding of multiple forms of population movement in Asia incorporating both internal and international migration and temporary and permanent moves. It will establish the intensity, spatial patt .... Asian Migration in the 21st Century: An Integrated Account . Migration is a defining issue of the 21st Century. Despite its significance, migration is poorly understood because different types of movement are conceptualised, measured and studied separately. This project aims to develop an integrated understanding of multiple forms of population movement in Asia incorporating both internal and international migration and temporary and permanent moves. It will establish the intensity, spatial patterns and interaction between the different forms of migration for countries in Asia, and its impacts at origins and at destinations. The results are expected to provide significant benefits including a strong evidence base for the formulation of national and international migration policy in the 21st Century. Read more Read less
Funder: Australian Research Council
View Funded ActivityStart Date: 07-2017
End Date: 06-2022
Amount: $409,500.00
Summary: Inconsistent migration data in the Asia Pacific. This project aims to develop statistical models of population movements in the Asia-Pacific regionto harmonise, correct for errors and estimate annual flows by origin, destination, age and sex. International migration is increasing and thriving in the Asia-Pacific region but data on the annual movements and pathways are largely unknown because the data are unavailable for cross-national comparison. This is surprising considering the region makes u .... Inconsistent migration data in the Asia Pacific. This project aims to develop statistical models of population movements in the Asia-Pacific regionto harmonise, correct for errors and estimate annual flows by origin, destination, age and sex. International migration is increasing and thriving in the Asia-Pacific region but data on the annual movements and pathways are largely unknown because the data are unavailable for cross-national comparison. This is surprising considering the region makes up over three-fifths of the world’s population. The results are expected to form a basis for understanding the dynamics and complexity of migration in countries near Australia. Read more Read less
Funder: Australian Research Council
View Funded ActivityStart Date: 10-2022
End Date: 09-2026
Amount: $484,029.00
Summary: Ecologically responsible mining to fuel a green energy transition. An energy transition is key to tackling climate change. However, renewable energy is mineral intensive and boosting its supply may create new mining threats to biodiversity. This project aims to facilitate strategic development of ecologically responsible mining. It expects to reveal where new mines will be needed to meet future energy demand, and create innovative tools to predict and mitigate threats to plants and animals. Expe .... Ecologically responsible mining to fuel a green energy transition. An energy transition is key to tackling climate change. However, renewable energy is mineral intensive and boosting its supply may create new mining threats to biodiversity. This project aims to facilitate strategic development of ecologically responsible mining. It expects to reveal where new mines will be needed to meet future energy demand, and create innovative tools to predict and mitigate threats to plants and animals. Expected outcomes include an improved ability to inform sustainable climate and energy policies, leading to strategic investment decisions, cleaner mineral supply chains and conservation outcomes that capture valuable environmental and social benefits and create a competitive advantage for Australia’s mining sector. Read more Read less
Funder: Australian Research Council
View Funded ActivityLocation: No location found