Special Research Initiatives - Grant ID: SR0354730

Funding Activity

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Funded Activity Summary

Governance and Economic Reform in the Asia-Pacific Region: The Next Steps. This Initiative brings together economists, political scientists, and academic lawyers with a track record of influential policy-oriented research on the design and implementation of economic and governance reforms in the Asia-Pacific region. The reform agenda covers corporate governance, national economic policy and political institutions, and frameworks for international cooperation around the Pacific region. Key issues are institutional transparency and accountability, economic efficiency and growth, and transnational cooperation. By holding a workshop, building a bibliometric survey, and linking research through a well-designed website, the initiative will propose an international network designed to further research on the problems of economic and governance reform.

Funded Activity Details

Start Date: 12-2003

End Date: 12-2004

Funding Scheme: Special Research Initiatives

Funding Amount: $20,000.00

Funder: Australian Research Council