David Sampson


ORCID Profile
Orcid icon.  0000-0001-6724-3873

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Research Topics

In Research Link Australia (RLA), "Research Topics" refer to ANZSRC FOR and SEO codes. These topics are either sourced from ANZSRC FOR and SEO codes listed in researchers' related grants or generated by a large language model (LLM) based on their publications.

Top 5 Research Topics

ANZSRC Field of Research (FoR)

Biomedical Engineering | Optical And Photonic Systems | Instruments And Techniques | Nanotechnology | Nanoscale Characterisation | Biomedical Engineering Not Elsewhere Classified | Communications Technologies | Engineering/Technology Instrumentation | Photonics and Electro-Optical Engineering (excl. Communications) | Animal Neurobiology | Biomedical Instrumentation | Palaeontology (incl. Palynology) | Ore Deposit Petrology | Mineralogy and Crystallography | Optics And Opto-Electronic Physics | Quantum Optics And Lasers | Electrical and Electronic Engineering | Plant Cell and Molecular Biology | Nanofabrication, Growth and Self Assembly | Geology | Biomedical Engineering not elsewhere classified | Classical and Physical Optics | Medical Devices | Biomechanical Engineering | Soil Biology | Plant Biology not elsewhere classified | Quantum Physics | Catalytic Process Engineering | Biochemistry and Cell Biology | Carbon Capture Engineering (excl. Sequestration) | Physiology | Plant Biology | Vision Science | Medical Physics | Geochronology | Functional Materials | Fish Physiology and Genetics | Surgery | Solid Tumours | Chemical Engineering Not Elsewhere Classified | Human Biophysics | Medical Biochemistry and Metabolomics not elsewhere classified | Cancer Cell Biology | Nanomaterials | Other Physical Sciences | Neurology and Neuromuscular Diseases | Animal Physiology—Cell | Materials Engineering Not Elsewhere Classified | Cellular Nervous System | Geochronology | Biological And Medical Chemistry | Respiratory Diseases | Artificial Intelligence and Image Processing | Chemical Characterisation of Materials | Signal Transduction | Ore Deposit Petrology | Geomechanics and Resources Geotechnical Engineering | Resources Engineering and Extractive Metallurgy | Petroleum and Reservoir Engineering | Medical Parasitology | Neurosciences Not Elsewhere Classified | Oncology and Carcinogenesis | Biomechanical Engineering | Biotechnology Not Elsewhere Classified | Physical Chemistry (Incl. Structural) | Structural Chemistry and Spectroscopy | Optical Physics not elsewhere classified | Geophysical Fluid Dynamics | Image Processing | Parasitology | Infectious Agents | Microbial Ecology | Image Processing | Plant Physiology | Clinical Sciences Not Elsewhere Classified | Carbon Sequestration Science | Crop and Pasture Biochemistry and Physiology | Neurosciences | Land Capability and Soil Degradation | Cellular Immunology | Computer Vision | Intelligent Robotics | Cell Development, Proliferation and Death

ANZSRC Socio-Economic Objective (SEO)

Expanding Knowledge in the Biological Sciences | Expanding Knowledge in Engineering | Medical instrumentation | Cancer and related disorders | Cancer and Related Disorders | Industrial instrumentation | Scientific instrumentation | Nervous system and disorders | Integrated systems | Preventive medicine | Biological sciences | Surgical Methods and Procedures | Physical sciences | Skeletal system and disorders (incl. arthritis) | Diagnostic methods | Expanding Knowledge in the Earth Sciences | Expanding Knowledge in the Chemical Sciences | Expanding Knowledge in the Physical Sciences | Measurement standards and calibration services not elsewhere classified | Plant Production and Plant Primary Products not elsewhere classified | Land and water management | Fisheries - Wild Caught not elsewhere classified | Mining and Extraction of Precious (Noble) Metal Ores | Endocrine organs and diseases (incl. diabetes) | Inherited diseases (incl. gene therapy) | Surgical methods and procedures | Dental Health | Food safety | Telecommunications | Wheat | Nervous System and Disorders | Neurodegenerative Disorders Related to Ageing | Living resources (flora and fauna) | Earth sciences | Oil Shale and Tar Sands Mining and Extraction | Living resources (incl. impacts of fishing on non-target species) | Alumina production | Oil and Gas Extraction | Clinical health not specific to particular organs, diseases and conditions | Hearing, vision, speech and their disorders | Respiratory system and diseases (incl. asthma) | Digestive system and disorders | Flora, Fauna and Biodiversity at Regional or Larger Scales | Infectious Diseases | Ecosystem Adaptation to Climate Change | Climate Change Mitigation Strategies | Expanding Knowledge in the Medical and Health Sciences | Expanding Knowledge in Technology | Computer software and services not elsewhere classified | Iron Ore Exploration | Precious (Noble) Metal Ore Exploration |