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Start Date: 02-2008
End Date: 12-2008
Amount: $120,000.00
Summary: Micro-macro modelling of collapse problems in geomaterials by strain gradient plasticity. The proposed research aims to improve our fundamental understanding of the collapse of geomaterials, which is directly related to the failure of offshore structures, mining operations, tunnels, cuttings and foundations. The advanced mathematical model developed will be capable of accurately predicting the collapse of geomaterials and will be founded on measurable microscopic information. The fruits of the r .... Micro-macro modelling of collapse problems in geomaterials by strain gradient plasticity. The proposed research aims to improve our fundamental understanding of the collapse of geomaterials, which is directly related to the failure of offshore structures, mining operations, tunnels, cuttings and foundations. The advanced mathematical model developed will be capable of accurately predicting the collapse of geomaterials and will be founded on measurable microscopic information. The fruits of the research will be implemented in an advanced nonlinear finite element program, and will lead to safer and more cost-effective designs for a wide range of geostructures. Read more Read less
Funder: Australian Research Council
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