Discovery Projects - Grant ID: DP0988294

Funding Activity

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Funded Activity Summary

Genetic and molecular analysis of long-distance gene silencing in Arabidopsis. Gene silencing is a surveillance mechanism in plants and animals to ensure that all genes are switched on or off at the right time. It is also a defence mechanism against viruses. Perturbation of gene silencing can be a cause of genetic diseases, and conversely, gene silencing has immense potential as a therapeutic tool for correcting genetic diseases and curing viral diseases. When silencing is triggered against a gene or virus in plants, genetic signals are transmitted throughout the organism to systemically switch off the specific gene or virus. Expected long-term national/community benefits from understanding gene silencing are wide-ranging, from improved crops through to drugs and gene therapy.

Funded Activity Details

Start Date: 2009

End Date: 03-2012

Funding Scheme: Discovery Projects

Funding Amount: $345,000.00

Funder: Australian Research Council