ARC Future Fellowships - Grant ID: FT0991594

Funding Activity

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Funded Activity Summary

Increasing internet energy and cost efficiency by improving higher-layer protocols. Australians rely heavily on our telecommunications infrastructure due to our geographic dispersion. We are also very susceptible to climate change, given our reliance on agriculture. Information technology is consuming a rapidly increasing fraction of our power and our budget. This research will help to reverse both those trends, by finding novel and practical ways to use our infrastructure more efficiently, and to minimise its energy use. This will enable the Australian telecommunications industry to provide better service (including to Australian industries and rural communities) at lower economic and environmental cost. This project will put Australia on the international stage as a leading contributor to energy-efficient internet technology.

Funded Activity Details

Start Date: 2010

End Date: 05-2016

Funding Scheme: ARC Future Fellowships

Funding Amount: $683,400.00

Funder: Australian Research Council