Discovery Projects - Grant ID: DP0877309

Funding Activity

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Funded Activity Summary

When and why forgiveness promotes justice. Responding to victimisation with forgiveness has been credited with many positive effects; for individual victims in terms of their mental health, for the maintenance of social relationships, as well as for the reconciliation between larger groups after conflict. This research project will identify processes and conditions that make forgiveness more conducive to victims' sense of justice, and thus a more satisfying and effective response option. Next to advancing Australia's scholarship in this vibrant research field, the findings will help administrators give victims a sense of justice while repairing interpersonal and intergroup relations important for a healthy social fabric.

Funded Activity Details

Start Date: 03-2008

End Date: 01-2012

Funding Scheme: Discovery Projects

Funding Amount: $150,000.00

Funder: Australian Research Council