Discovery Early Career Researcher Award - Grant ID: DE220100032

Funding Activity

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Funded Activity Summary

Banking on spermatogonial stem cells to safeguard Australian native fauna. Spermatogonial stem cells in the testis are an untapped resource for species conservation. This project aims to characterise metabolic pathways that control spermatogonial stem cell function, and define the conserved nature of these pathways between model species (mouse) and vulnerable Australian native fauna. Expected outcomes of this project include an enhanced capacity to culture koala spermatogonia in vitro, which will be a first step towards using spermatogonial biobanking as a tool to maintain genetic diversity in this species. Outcomes from this study should provide significant benefits in safeguarding our unique Australian native species, which is of particular importance following the catastrophic 2019/20 bushfire season.

Funded Activity Details

Start Date: 2022

End Date: 12-2024

Funding Scheme: Discovery Early Career Researcher Award

Funding Amount: $379,264.00

Funder: Australian Research Council