Discovery Projects - Grant ID: DP0665814

Funding Activity

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Funded Activity Summary

Assessing gene function in the developing brain using zebrafish as a model system. As the average life expectancy in western countries increases there is an increasing incidence of mental health problems in the general population. Therapeutic approaches to Alzhemier's and Parkinson's disease as well as to brain injury arising from stroke rely on a thorough understanding of the molecular and physiological mechanisms of normal growth of this tissue. These are the very processes that need to be reactivated in these diseases for recovery of function. This project seeks to understand normal development of the brain and in doing so it will expose novel targets for therapy in the aged.

Funded Activity Details

Start Date: 2006

End Date: 12-2008

Funding Scheme: Discovery Projects

Funding Amount: $310,000.00

Funder: Australian Research Council

Research Topics

ANZSRC Field of Research (FoR)

Zoology | Neurobiology

ANZSRC Socio-Economic Objective (SEO)

Mental health | Nervous system and disorders | Health related to ageing |