ARC Future Fellowships - Grant ID: FT200100834

Funding Activity

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Funded Activity Summary

Hearing the future: supporting Indigenous linguistic diversity. This project aims to find new ways to support the extraordinary diversity of Indigenous languages spoken in Australia. In Arnhem Land the ability to understand but not speak a language is widespread and plays a crucial role supporting linguistic diversity. This ability, receptive multilingualism, will be examined using an innovative interdisciplinary methodology, generating new understandings about the relationship between multilingualism and linguistic diversity that are crucial to tackling the global decline in Indigenous languages. The findings will help communities, educators and policymakers develop new strategies to support Australia’s Indigenous languages which are vital to Indigenous health and wellbeing.

Funded Activity Details

Start Date: 11-2020

End Date: 11-2028

Funding Scheme: ARC Future Fellowships

Funding Amount: $768,058.00

Funder: Australian Research Council