Discovery Early Career Researcher Award - Grant ID: DE240100532

Funding Activity

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Funded Activity Summary

Inclusive community planning for a just transition to net zero emissions. This project aims to understand how a just transition to net zero emissions can support First Nations peoples' self-determination with the case study of Collie on Wilman Noongar Country (WA), a community phasing out coal-fired power. The project expects to generate significant new theoretical and applied understandings about community practice for climate justice. With the support and engagement of Wilman Elders, this project expects to generate outcomes of guidance for the field of community development about just transition planning with First Nations peoples. As Australia transitions to net zero emissions by 2050, this project should provide significant benefits such as greater understanding of, and capacity in, just transition planning.

Funded Activity Details

Start Date: 2024

End Date: 12-2028

Funding Scheme: Discovery Early Career Researcher Award

Funding Amount: $477,165.00

Funder: Australian Research Council