Linkage - International - Grant ID: LX0881960

Funding Activity

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Funded Activity Summary

Diffractive Imaging using Soft X-rays and Electrons. Optical, electron and x-ray microscopy has yielded enormous biological insights and medical benefits to society. Optical microscopy is able to image live tissue, but at relatively low resolution. Electron microscopy can yield high resolution images, but only of highly prepared material. X-ray microscopy yields images of live tissue with a resolution that is intermediate between optical and electron microscopy. This project will provide Australian scientists with their first access to x-ray microscopy at its optimum wavelength; and secondly it will provide a superb testbed for x-ray microscopy to be enhanced using unique methods being developed in Australia.

Funded Activity Details

Start Date: 2008

End Date: 06-2011

Funding Scheme: Linkage - International

Funding Amount: $34,226.00

Funder: Australian Research Council