Linkage Projects - Grant ID: lp0775464

Funding Activity

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Funded Activity Summary

Development of an implantable device to monitor lactate levels in blood: Monitoring the Performance of Australian athletes using Biosensor Technology. Sport is a critical area for social and economic investments. Novel medical monitoring systems using implantable biosensors will ensure optimal training programs for Australian athletes and maintain international competitiveness. Here we are developing a biosensor for real-time monitoring of lactate levels in athletes using frontier porous semiconductor technology and smart telemetry protocols to transfer the readings to a remote base unit. These highly innovative devices and the materials that they are made from have enormous commercial potential in biomedical engineering. There is a strong potential for Australia to have an important stake in this area by combining expertise in engineering, chemistry and nanostructured materials.

Funded Activity Details

Start Date: 10-2007

End Date: 09-2011

Funding Scheme: Funding Scheme not available

Funder: Australian Research Council