Discovery Early Career Researcher Award - Grant ID: DE170100164

Funding Activity

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Funded Activity Summary

Precisely doped metal oxide nanostructures for thin film optoelectronics. This project aims to develop efficient and low-cost transparent electrodes for optoelectronic devices. Transparent electrodes are core components in devices such as solar cells, touch panel displays and LED lighting, but require scarce and costly materials and expensive deposition technologies. This project will design materials based on earth-abundant elements with precise control on doping and morphology, and develop deposition methods which use liquid precursors to form thin transparent conductive coatings. The anticipated outcome is inexpensive and efficient optoelectronic devices with reduced carbon footprint, which will affect the consumer electronics, solar energy and smart window markets.

Funded Activity Details

Start Date: 06-2017

End Date: 12-2020

Funding Scheme: Discovery Early Career Researcher Award

Funding Amount: $339,429.00

Funder: Australian Research Council