Discovery Projects - Grant ID: DP0558763

Funding Activity

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Funded Activity Summary

The Epistemology of Colour Vision. This project will advance knowledge on the important traditional philosophical topic of colour and colour perception by drawing both on philosophical and scientific sources. The problem of colour is one to which Australian philosophy has made seminal contribution. For this reason, this project will continue to develop an Australian expertise in the area and help to make Australia a world centre of research in the area.

Funded Activity Details

Start Date: 02-2005

End Date: 12-2007

Funding Scheme: Discovery Projects

Funding Amount: $202,482.00

Funder: Australian Research Council

Research Topics

ANZSRC Field of Research (FoR)

Philosophy | Philosophy Of Cognition | Philosophy Not Elsewhere Classified |

ANZSRC Socio-Economic Objective (SEO)

Behavioural and cognitive sciences | Other