Linkage Projects - Grant ID: LP190100558

Funding Activity

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Funded Activity Summary

Map My Say - An innovative participatory mapping tool for TOD evaluation. This project will directly engage with the community through the development of an innovative public participatory mapping tool ("Map My Say") to evaluate community experiences of infill development and to identify the determinants of community support for, or resistance to, densification in urban development sites correlated with public transport. The findings of the project will support future planning and land use decisions related to creating resilient urban environments and provide decision planning tools to support appropriate solutions for urban communities. Working with our industry partners the findings will be used to directly inform the planning and design of future Metronet station precincts in Western Australia.

Funded Activity Details

Start Date: 12-2020

End Date: 10-2023

Funding Scheme: Linkage Projects

Funding Amount: $480,000.00

Funder: Australian Research Council