Discovery Projects - Grant ID: dp0879466

Funding Activity

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Funded Activity Summary

Bone regulation - cell interactions to disease. Many bone disorders such as osteoporosis, Paget's disease and chancer related bone diseases are directly related to disruption of communication pathways between bone cells leading to imbalances in bone remodeling. Although these disorders are common and cause considerable suffering, in most cases little is known about the mechanisms responsible for dysfunctional remodeling. Understanding the communication network between bone cells and their interaction with drugs is essential in order to develop new therapies and to effectively design novel biological compatible bone implants. This research proposal closely aligns with national research priority two, i.e., promoting and maintaining good health (ageing well, ageing productively).

Funded Activity Details

Start Date: 2008

End Date: 12-2011

Funding Scheme: Funding Scheme not available

Funder: Australian Research Council