Discovery Early Career Researcher Award - Grant ID: DE220101325

Funding Activity

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Funded Activity Summary

Minding the gaps in our maps of the stars. This Project seeks to understand the formation of our Galaxy by studying the brightest billion stars. This Project will develop novel methods to account for the unseen hundreds of billions of fainter stars, and for the complexities of space telescopes. Anticipated outcomes include fundamental tests of stellar evolution theory; the discovery of stars flung from our Galaxy by massive black holes; a timeline of our Galaxy’s evolution; and a 3D map of its stars and interstellar dust. This is expected to drive a generational advancement in astrophysics, provide social benefits by engaging the public with discovering the cosmos, and generate economic benefits from a general method for hypothesis testing with biased and incomplete datasets.

Funded Activity Details

Start Date: 07-2023

End Date: 07-2023

Funding Scheme: Discovery Early Career Researcher Award

Funding Amount: $364,092.00

Funder: Australian Research Council