Discovery Projects - Grant ID: dp190103110

Funding Activity

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Funded Activity Summary

Mongolian medicine: different modes of knowledge transmission. This project aims to investigate a multispecies approach within nomadic medical practices and how this knowledge has been transmitted on the Mongolian Plateau. It will examine how Mongolian medicine treats both humans and animal patients, and how multispecies knowledge has developed over time. The project will focus on three forms of knowledge transmission: learning through word-of-mouth and practical trial-and-error; a more structured form of learning through Buddhist monasteries, which engages with both apprenticeship and ancient texts; and the modern institutional model of the hospital. The project expects to contribute to research on global health across species, as well as across different environmental contexts within local settings.

Funded Activity Details

Start Date: 05-2019

End Date: 12-2023

Funding Scheme: Funding Scheme not available

Funder: Australian Research Council