John Boland


ORCID Profile
Orcid icon.  0000-0003-1132-7589

Current Organisation
University of South Australia

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Research Topics

In Research Link Australia (RLA), "Research Topics" refer to ANZSRC FOR and SEO codes. These topics are either sourced from ANZSRC FOR and SEO codes listed in researchers' related grants or generated by a large language model (LLM) based on their publications.

Top 5 Research Topics

ANZSRC Field of Research (FoR)

Statistics | Optimisation | Stochastic Analysis And Modelling | Environmental Engineering Modelling | Renewable Power and Energy Systems Engineering (excl. Solar Cells) | Applied Mathematics | Cultural Studies | Consumption And Everyday Life | Environmental Science and Management | Risk Theory | Operations Research | Social And Community Psychology | Numerical and Computational Mathematics not elsewhere classified | Applied Mathematics not elsewhere classified | Environmental Engineering Modelling | Environmental Engineering | Electrical and Electronic Engineering | Photogrammetry And Remote Sensing | Database Management | Atmospheric Aerosols | Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Environmental Knowledge | Environmental Management | Applied Statistics | Environmental Education and Extension | Social And Cultural Anthropology

ANZSRC Socio-Economic Objective (SEO)

Climate Change Mitigation Strategies | Atmospheric Processes and Dynamics | Energy systems analysis | Electricity transmission | Wind | Cement and Concrete Materials | Industry | Land and water management | Processed food products and beverages | Mathematical sciences | Climate variability | Rehabilitation of Degraded Urban and Industrial Environments | Urban and Industrial Water Management | Land and water management | Land and water management | Solar-Photovoltaic Energy | Industry costs and structure | Information Processing Services (incl. Data Entry and Capture) | Renewable energy not elsewhere classified (e.g. geothermal) | Expanding Knowledge in the Environmental Sciences | Consumption patterns, population issues and the environment | Expanding Knowledge in the Mathematical Sciences | Electricity, gas and water services and utilities |