The sequence of this search result does not indicate the ranking of researchers in the searched topic area.
However, it does reflect those who have received grants or published manuscripts related to the searched area.
Structural Chemistry and Spectroscopy (3) | Functional Materials (2) | Materials Engineering (2) | Expanding Knowledge in the Chemical Sciences (2) | Renewable Power and Energy Systems Engineering (excl. Solar Cells) (1)
Computer software and services not elsewhere classified (6) | Artificial Intelligence and Image Processing (5) | Interdisciplinary Engineering (5) | Heat and Mass Transfer Operations (5) | Expanding Knowledge in Engineering (5)
Catalysis and Mechanisms of Reactions (3) | Physical Chemistry (Incl. Structural) (3) | Electrochemistry (3) | Chemical Fertilisers (3) | Hydrogen Production from Renewable Energy (3)
Hydrogen Storage (5) | Surfaces and Structural Properties of Condensed Matter (3) | Chemical Thermodynamics and Energetics (2) | Nanoscale Characterisation (2) | Hydrogen Production from Renewable Energy (2)