The sequence of this search result does not indicate the ranking of researchers in the searched topic area.
However, it does reflect those who have received grants or published manuscripts related to the searched area.
Pattern Recognition and Data Mining (3) | Artificial Intelligence and Image Processing (3) | Expanding Knowledge in the Information and Computing Sciences (2) | Film and Video Services (excl. Animation and Computer Generated Imagery) (2) | Computer Vision (2)
Information Systems (4) | Expanding Knowledge in the Information and Computing Sciences (4) | Pattern Recognition and Data Mining (4) | Database Management (4) | Information Processing Services (incl. Data Entry and Capture) (4)
Analysis of Algorithms and Complexity (6) | Expanding Knowledge in the Information and Computing Sciences (6) | Computation Theory and Mathematics (6) | Computation Theory and Mathematics not elsewhere classified (2) | Emerging Defence Technologies (2)
Control Systems, Robotics and Automation (4) | Expanding Knowledge in Engineering (4) | Calculus of Variations, Systems Theory and Control Theory (3) | Expanding Knowledge in Technology (3) | Applied Mathematics (2)
Artificial Intelligence and Image Processing (6) | Pattern Recognition and Data Mining (5) | Image Processing (5) | Simulation And Modelling (2) | Clinical Health (Organs, Diseases and Abnormal Conditions) not elsewhere classified (2)
Pattern Recognition and Data Mining (3) | Artificial Intelligence and Image Processing (3) | Expanding Knowledge in the Information and Computing Sciences (2) | Film and Video Services (excl. Animation and Computer Generated Imagery) (2) | Computer Vision (2)