The sequence of this search result does not indicate the ranking of researchers in the searched topic area.
However, it does reflect those who have received grants or published manuscripts related to the searched area.
Environmental Chemistry (incl. Atmospheric Chemistry) (3) | Environmental Health (3) | Environmental Science and Management (2) | Public Health and Health Services (2) | Expanding Knowledge in the Environmental Sciences (2)
Urban and Industrial Air Quality (4) | Artificial Intelligence and Image Processing (4) | Respiratory System and Diseases (incl. Asthma) (4) | Environmental and Occupational Health and Safety (4) | Nanotoxicology, Health and Safety (4)
The Performing Arts (incl. Theatre and Dance) (4) | Expanding Knowledge in Education (3) | Education Policy (3) | Policy and Administration (3) | Cultural Studies (2)
Social Structure and Health (3) | Public Health and Health Services (2) | Sociological Methodology and Research Methods (2) | Mental Health (2) | Mental Health (2)
Building Construction Management (6) | Agriculture, Land and Farm Management (4) | Sustainable Development (4) | Building (4) | Architecture And Urban Environment Not Elsewhere Classified (2)
Electrical and Electronic Engineering (4) | Engineering (3) | Power and Energy Systems Engineering (excl. Renewable Power) (2) | Electrical engineering (2) | Energy Storage, Distribution and Supply not elsewhere classified (1)