Building gender equity and diversity in the Australian construction industry. This project will investigate the construction industry's informal gender rules and their role in inhibiting policy measures to improve gender equity and diversity in the industry's professional ranks. The project will make innovative recommendations for shifting the stubborn gender imbalance.
The Intergenerational Transmission of Joblessness. The project aims to unpack the mechanisms, channels and factors that drive joblessness from one generation to the next in Australia and across Europe, Asia and the United States. By creating a rich longitudinal dataset on families across the selected countries, it plans to challenge existing theories by asking whether aspects of family’s work–welfare trajectories, values and dynamics play out differently across multiple nations, over time and in ....The Intergenerational Transmission of Joblessness. The project aims to unpack the mechanisms, channels and factors that drive joblessness from one generation to the next in Australia and across Europe, Asia and the United States. By creating a rich longitudinal dataset on families across the selected countries, it plans to challenge existing theories by asking whether aspects of family’s work–welfare trajectories, values and dynamics play out differently across multiple nations, over time and in different labour market, institutional and family contexts. Project results may provide evidence-based knowledge for the development of effective interventions to avert the persistence of joblessness across generations.Read moreRead less
Social Futures & Life Pathways of Young People in Queensland: Waves 6 & 7. This project plans to extend a large longitudinal study of young people in Queensland to investigate the impact of social, political and economic changes on educational, workforce, partnering, family and housing transitions in early adulthood. The project is designed to combine large-scale survey research with in-depth qualitative interviewing to track stability and change in the values, aspirations, health and wellbeing ....Social Futures & Life Pathways of Young People in Queensland: Waves 6 & 7. This project plans to extend a large longitudinal study of young people in Queensland to investigate the impact of social, political and economic changes on educational, workforce, partnering, family and housing transitions in early adulthood. The project is designed to combine large-scale survey research with in-depth qualitative interviewing to track stability and change in the values, aspirations, health and wellbeing of a cohort of young people who were first surveyed as secondary school students a decade earlier. This aims to inform social policy by identifying factors that promote positive career, relationship, housing and health outcomes for young adults, and those which place young adults at risk of unemployment, tertiary non-completion, residential and relationship instability, and poorer mental and physical wellbeing.Read moreRead less
Determining the individual, community and societal impacts of compensable injury in Australia. This project will enhance our understanding of the individual, community and societal impacts of workplace and transport injury in Australia. The project will develop new impact measurement tools for application in workers' compensation and motor accident compensation schemes.
Development and evaluation of a web-based decision and safety planning aid for women experiencing domestic violence (I-DECIDE). This project will develop and evaluate a web-based intervention process which enables women experiencing domestic violence to consider their safety planning and support options, reach a carefully thought through decision (reflecting their personal priorities) and then make appropriate plans safely for themselves and their children.
Linked Lives: Antisocial Behaviour Across Three Generations. Antisocial behaviour involves about 10 per cent of children and/or adolescents. It has a substantial impact on many life outcomes including education, employment, family life, and offending. The costs of providing services to an antisocial child are 10 times higher than other children. Antisocial offspring are often children of antisocial parents and grandparents. The proposed project aims to assess antisocial behaviour transmitted acr ....Linked Lives: Antisocial Behaviour Across Three Generations. Antisocial behaviour involves about 10 per cent of children and/or adolescents. It has a substantial impact on many life outcomes including education, employment, family life, and offending. The costs of providing services to an antisocial child are 10 times higher than other children. Antisocial offspring are often children of antisocial parents and grandparents. The proposed project aims to assess antisocial behaviour transmitted across three generations, to document the predictors of this intergenerational transmission, and to describe how antisocial behaviour is changing over generations. This project aims to provide data to enable a more focussed delivery of services to antisocial families.Read moreRead less
Mapping Social Services Provision for Diverse Communities. Although the provision of social services in multicultural societies is one of the major factors that affect immigrants’ integration experiences, it surprisingly remains under-researched. This project will systematically map the provision and impact of different service-delivery modes in three areas of interest to migrant groups - health, social and employment services. By using mixed-methods design, the project will assess the experienc ....Mapping Social Services Provision for Diverse Communities. Although the provision of social services in multicultural societies is one of the major factors that affect immigrants’ integration experiences, it surprisingly remains under-researched. This project will systematically map the provision and impact of different service-delivery modes in three areas of interest to migrant groups - health, social and employment services. By using mixed-methods design, the project will assess the experiences and impact of the mainstreaming of social services on social inclusion, citizenship and human rights among migrant communities. Outcomes will include robust empirical evidence to plan policies and improve social inclusion of migrant communities through the effective provision of social services.Read moreRead less
Child & Adolescent Victimisation: Prevalence & Predictors in Australia. This is a study to determine the rate and predictors of child and adolescent experiences of victimisation in an Australian population based sample.
This study will address widespread concerns about the experiences of violence by Australian children. No previous population based studies have addressed this issue.
Expected outcomes are published papers in major journals, policy relevant data provided to Commonwealth and State ....Child & Adolescent Victimisation: Prevalence & Predictors in Australia. This is a study to determine the rate and predictors of child and adolescent experiences of victimisation in an Australian population based sample.
This study will address widespread concerns about the experiences of violence by Australian children. No previous population based studies have addressed this issue.
Expected outcomes are published papers in major journals, policy relevant data provided to Commonwealth and State governments as well as relevant NGOs.
The consequences of child and adolescent victimisation are substantial. This study will point to both the causes and prioritise strategies to reduce the level of violence experienced by children.
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Networks in Flux: Examining how sector relationships adapt to rapid change. This study aims to investigate why, when and how inter-organisational networks adapt or remain resistant to change. Responding to complex social problems and technological change requires inter-organisational networks to be adaptable. Through a combination of longitudinal network analysis, survey research and qualitative interviews, this project plans to study the Victorian HIV and hepatitis C sector as it responds to ma ....Networks in Flux: Examining how sector relationships adapt to rapid change. This study aims to investigate why, when and how inter-organisational networks adapt or remain resistant to change. Responding to complex social problems and technological change requires inter-organisational networks to be adaptable. Through a combination of longitudinal network analysis, survey research and qualitative interviews, this project plans to study the Victorian HIV and hepatitis C sector as it responds to major advances in prevention and treatment, requiring community, health, policy and research organisations to adapt their roles and relationships. This timely and novel study aims to improve our knowledge of how to enable inter-organisational networks to adapt and improve organisational responsiveness to complex issues.Read moreRead less
Linkage Infrastructure, Equipment And Facilities - Grant ID: LE130100129
Australian Research Council
Funding Amount
Securing the data. This project will develop an integrated facility to support a collaborative research centre of government and university partners for research to better address priority issues in the fields of health, education, policing, and community services. The restricted access facility will allow researchers to remotely analyse confidential data in a secure environment.