Australian Laureate Fellowships - Grant ID: FL230100104
Australian Research Council
Funding Amount
Bringing Equality Home: A New Gender Agenda. Compared to other countries, Australia has slipped backwards in achieving gender equality and is in danger of falling further behind. This jeopardises opportunities for all Australians and undermines social cohesion and economic progress. This project aims to provide the theoretical and empirical foundations to reverse this trend. The expected outcomes will be a new theory of gender inequality, a new approach that foregrounds the explanatory importanc ....Bringing Equality Home: A New Gender Agenda. Compared to other countries, Australia has slipped backwards in achieving gender equality and is in danger of falling further behind. This jeopardises opportunities for all Australians and undermines social cohesion and economic progress. This project aims to provide the theoretical and empirical foundations to reverse this trend. The expected outcomes will be a new theory of gender inequality, a new approach that foregrounds the explanatory importance of caregiving and domestic work and new insights into the life course stages where gender inequality is most malleable. This will provide significant benefits including the impetus for new research, policy initiatives and capacity to build a more equal, stronger and prosperous Australia.Read moreRead less
Australian Laureate Fellowships - Grant ID: FL100100014
Australian Research Council
Funding Amount
Multi-Site Trials of Third Party Policing: Building the Scientific Capacity for Experimental Criminology and Evidence-Based Social Policy in Australia. The estimated cost of crime in Australia is $36 billion with $6.9 billion spent on police services each year. This project will fund a series of field experiments testing the effectiveness of Third Party Policing: a promising, new policing approach that involves police partnering with communities, businesses and other government agencies to use r ....Multi-Site Trials of Third Party Policing: Building the Scientific Capacity for Experimental Criminology and Evidence-Based Social Policy in Australia. The estimated cost of crime in Australia is $36 billion with $6.9 billion spent on police services each year. This project will fund a series of field experiments testing the effectiveness of Third Party Policing: a promising, new policing approach that involves police partnering with communities, businesses and other government agencies to use regulations and civil laws to better control crime. The research will strengthen Australia's social and economic fabric, grow Australia's capacity to conduct multi-site, multi-country field trials, institutionalise the use of scientific experimental evidence to guide crime control policies, and help safeguard and protect Australia from terrorism and crime.Read moreRead less