Managing the evolutionary potential of fragmented native plant populations. Many previously widespread plant species now exist in small fragmented populations threatened with extinction due to genetic decline. We will apply a novel and powerful new genetic approach for the assessment of the evolutionary potential of these populations. Through the most detailed characterisation of realized mating yet possible, we will determine if recently fragmented populations are in genetic decline, and how ....Managing the evolutionary potential of fragmented native plant populations. Many previously widespread plant species now exist in small fragmented populations threatened with extinction due to genetic decline. We will apply a novel and powerful new genetic approach for the assessment of the evolutionary potential of these populations. Through the most detailed characterisation of realized mating yet possible, we will determine if recently fragmented populations are in genetic decline, and how anciently fragmented species avoid extinction. Our aim is to generate general principles for the early measurement and/or prediction of genetic decline in species most at risk, that will enable us to determine how and when remediation measures are required.Read moreRead less
Unravelling community interactions between mammals and fungi, and the role of mycophagy in mediating biodiversity and driving ecosystem processes. Maintenance of Australia's forest biodiversity and healthy forested ecosystems are of national importance. Mammal species that are key to dispersing beneficial fungi in our forests have suffered greatest declines in the past, and further declines may ultimately lead to ecosystem collapse. My research seeks to unravel community relationship between ma ....Unravelling community interactions between mammals and fungi, and the role of mycophagy in mediating biodiversity and driving ecosystem processes. Maintenance of Australia's forest biodiversity and healthy forested ecosystems are of national importance. Mammal species that are key to dispersing beneficial fungi in our forests have suffered greatest declines in the past, and further declines may ultimately lead to ecosystem collapse. My research seeks to unravel community relationship between mammals and fungi, and how interactions within and between these groups maintain diverse communities. My results will enable forest managers to protect forest biodiversity from current and future threats and to restore degraded ecosystems. Through training of early career ecologists, the research also represents a tangible benefit to Australian science.Read moreRead less
Managing the evolutionary potential of fragmented native plant populations. Many previously widespread plant species now exist in small fragmented populations threatened with extinction due to genetic decline. We will apply a novel and powerful new genetic approach for the assessment of the evolutionary potential of these populations. Through the most detailed characterisation of realized mating yet possible, we will determine if recently fragmented populations are in genetic decline, and how ....Managing the evolutionary potential of fragmented native plant populations. Many previously widespread plant species now exist in small fragmented populations threatened with extinction due to genetic decline. We will apply a novel and powerful new genetic approach for the assessment of the evolutionary potential of these populations. Through the most detailed characterisation of realized mating yet possible, we will determine if recently fragmented populations are in genetic decline, and how anciently fragmented species avoid extinction. Our aim is to generate general principles for the early measurement and/or prediction of genetic decline in species most at risk, that will enable us to determine how and when remediation measures are required.Read moreRead less
Identifying cost-effective reforestation approaches for biodiversity conservation and carbon sequestration in the Australian wet tropics. There is great potential for rainforest reforestation to help in the protection of Australia's tropical flora and fauna. Little is known, however, about how to reforest pasture to rainforest for the purpose of maximising the recovery of native biodiversity. We propose a unique experimental study of rainforest reforestation practices with biodiversity conservat ....Identifying cost-effective reforestation approaches for biodiversity conservation and carbon sequestration in the Australian wet tropics. There is great potential for rainforest reforestation to help in the protection of Australia's tropical flora and fauna. Little is known, however, about how to reforest pasture to rainforest for the purpose of maximising the recovery of native biodiversity. We propose a unique experimental study of rainforest reforestation practices with biodiversity conservation as a primary goal. Reforestation is currently an unlikely option for most landholders in Australia's tropics given the lack of data on the economic benefits obtainable from such efforts. Our study examines the profits obtainable through the carbon market for each reforestation approach with the goal of increasing the feasibility of rainforest reforestation in North Queensland.Read moreRead less
Rapid genetic delineation of local provenance for effective restoration of urban bushland remnants. Urban bushland remnants are a significant national resource. The rehabilitation of these remnants is a major enterprise drawing on national, state and local resources and substantial community involvement. Best practise recognises that material sourced from the local provenance is critical. Despite this, accurate guidelines on provenance are lacking. We will utilise powerful molecular markers to r ....Rapid genetic delineation of local provenance for effective restoration of urban bushland remnants. Urban bushland remnants are a significant national resource. The rehabilitation of these remnants is a major enterprise drawing on national, state and local resources and substantial community involvement. Best practise recognises that material sourced from the local provenance is critical. Despite this, accurate guidelines on provenance are lacking. We will utilise powerful molecular markers to rapidly generate provenance guidelines for priority species of the Swan coastal plain. We will work closely with restoration practitioners to ensure practical outcomes through adaptive management. Our objective is to generate a provenance atlas for the native plant restoration industry, with benefits flowing nationally.Read moreRead less
A molecular ecophysiological assessment of the importance of using local provenance seed in plant biodiversity restoration. The rehabilitation of Australia's unique plant diversity, following disturbance, is an increasingly important activity nationally, involving industry, government and community. The use of local seeds is recognised as best practise, but how local is local? We will use molecular tools to identify the extent of local seed transfer zones, conduct trials to assess the relative ....A molecular ecophysiological assessment of the importance of using local provenance seed in plant biodiversity restoration. The rehabilitation of Australia's unique plant diversity, following disturbance, is an increasingly important activity nationally, involving industry, government and community. The use of local seeds is recognised as best practise, but how local is local? We will use molecular tools to identify the extent of local seed transfer zones, conduct trials to assess the relative performance of local and non-local seeds (is there a home-site advantage?), and assess the consequences of mixing provenances for future generations. We will work closely with industry and community restoration practitioners to improve the effectiveness of restoration, with benefits flowing nationally through general provenance guidelines.Read moreRead less
Setting and achieving realistic restoration goals in human-dominated ecosystems. Federal and state programs and community and NGO activities increasingly focus on ecosystem restoration as a tool in conservation and natural resource management. Clearer understanding of ecosystem dynamics and better articulation of realistic restoration goals can lead to much improved restoration success and better investment of government and private funds. This project will provide a better understanding of ecos ....Setting and achieving realistic restoration goals in human-dominated ecosystems. Federal and state programs and community and NGO activities increasingly focus on ecosystem restoration as a tool in conservation and natural resource management. Clearer understanding of ecosystem dynamics and better articulation of realistic restoration goals can lead to much improved restoration success and better investment of government and private funds. This project will provide a better understanding of ecosystem dynamics both under current conditions and also as influenced by future environmental changes. The contribution to the theoretical and conceptual development of the field of restoration ecology will increase the profile of Australian science and enhance our reputation as leaders in this field. Read moreRead less
Managing evolutionary-ecological process in restoring Banksia woodland resilient to global environmental changes. By manipulating genetic diversity, local selection and gene flow in restored plant communities, this project will establish suitable regimes to manage evolutionary processes in large-scale restoration, thereby improving success and resilience to future changes. It will significantly advance our understanding of evolutionary processes operating in restoration efforts, and lead to impr ....Managing evolutionary-ecological process in restoring Banksia woodland resilient to global environmental changes. By manipulating genetic diversity, local selection and gene flow in restored plant communities, this project will establish suitable regimes to manage evolutionary processes in large-scale restoration, thereby improving success and resilience to future changes. It will significantly advance our understanding of evolutionary processes operating in restoration efforts, and lead to improved restoration success, better long-term ecological functioning in restored ecosystems, better investment of resources, and maintenance of Australia’s biodiversity in the face of rapid environmental change. These findings should be of relevance to broader restoration initiatives managed by the government, community, and industry nationally and internationally.Read moreRead less
Restoration of temperate eucalypt woodland: getting it right. Eucalypt woodlands of southern Australia have been heavily cleared for agriculture: much effort and expense is going towards revegetation of these woodlands to conserve biodiversity, and restore ecosystem services they provide. Current restoration methods are purely empirical, with little understanding of why they work. This project will experimentally investigate revegetation practices to uncover ecological processes they utilise, an ....Restoration of temperate eucalypt woodland: getting it right. Eucalypt woodlands of southern Australia have been heavily cleared for agriculture: much effort and expense is going towards revegetation of these woodlands to conserve biodiversity, and restore ecosystem services they provide. Current restoration methods are purely empirical, with little understanding of why they work. This project will experimentally investigate revegetation practices to uncover ecological processes they utilise, and other ecological processes that potentially can be utilised but are currently not. The cost-effectiveness of different practices will be compared. The outcome of the project will be revegetation practices for eucalypt woodlands that are evidence-based and cost-effective, rather than rule of thumb.Read moreRead less
Forest ecosystem water use: Does species diversity matter? Forest water use and susceptibility to drought are major concerns for forest plantation establishment in Australia. This research will provide fundamental information about how plantation water use and drought tolerance are modified by species diversity. This work has the potential to transform tree plantation establishment practices toward inclusion of greater species diversity or toward species with particular complementary traits. It ....Forest ecosystem water use: Does species diversity matter? Forest water use and susceptibility to drought are major concerns for forest plantation establishment in Australia. This research will provide fundamental information about how plantation water use and drought tolerance are modified by species diversity. This work has the potential to transform tree plantation establishment practices toward inclusion of greater species diversity or toward species with particular complementary traits. It has significant potential to enhance benefits from reforestation projects, including better drought survival, reduced water use, soil bioremediation and enhanced biodiversity. Read moreRead less