Practical, powerful and cost effective indicators of sustainable forest management for the conservation of biological diversity. Much debate about appropriate use of Australia's forests stems from uncertainty about the magnitude of impacts on abundances and distributions of forest-dependent species, a key indicator of sustainable management under the Montreal Process. An opportunity exists to develop new tools to substantially improve our ability to detect and assess change. This project will de ....Practical, powerful and cost effective indicators of sustainable forest management for the conservation of biological diversity. Much debate about appropriate use of Australia's forests stems from uncertainty about the magnitude of impacts on abundances and distributions of forest-dependent species, a key indicator of sustainable management under the Montreal Process. An opportunity exists to develop new tools to substantially improve our ability to detect and assess change. This project will develop optimal monitoring design and analysis strategies for detecting population trends against a background of natural fluctuation and observation error. It will result in templates for coherent reporting on indicators at regional and national levels. It will exploit recent findings regarding observation error in surveys, advances in statistical control processes, simulation methods, and power analysis to develop a world-class species monitoring system.Read moreRead less
Population Viability Analysis of the Perth Metropolitan Population of the Little Penguin. The population of Little Penguins, breeding on Penguin and Garden Islands, in the Perth Metropolitan region, are an iconic species and a valuable ecotourism resource They breed and feed in close proximity to high human activity and a rapidly growing urban population. The nearest other major populations are located 600km to the south. The key benefit of this project is that it will provide a basis for meas ....Population Viability Analysis of the Perth Metropolitan Population of the Little Penguin. The population of Little Penguins, breeding on Penguin and Garden Islands, in the Perth Metropolitan region, are an iconic species and a valuable ecotourism resource They breed and feed in close proximity to high human activity and a rapidly growing urban population. The nearest other major populations are located 600km to the south. The key benefit of this project is that it will provide a basis for measuring the impacts of threats to this isolated population, and for testing management strategies. Thus it represents a key step in securing the long term future of the penguin population in Perth's waters.
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Modelling and control of mosquito-borne diseases in Darwin using long-term monitoring. Management of mosquito populations is a high public health priority because these insects can spread diseases such as malaria, dengue, Ross River virus, Barmah Forest virus, Murray Valley encephalitis, Japanese encephalitis and Kunjin/West Nile virus. Our research into the effectiveness of mosquito control programs in Darwin is of immediate national relevance and priority given the need to Safeguard Australia ....Modelling and control of mosquito-borne diseases in Darwin using long-term monitoring. Management of mosquito populations is a high public health priority because these insects can spread diseases such as malaria, dengue, Ross River virus, Barmah Forest virus, Murray Valley encephalitis, Japanese encephalitis and Kunjin/West Nile virus. Our research into the effectiveness of mosquito control programs in Darwin is of immediate national relevance and priority given the need to Safeguard Australia from invasive diseases. There is an urgency to undertake our research because global environmental change and increasing movements of people (particularly military personnel) from overseas regions where these diseases are endemic is increasing the vulnerability of northern Australia to the (re)establishment of mosquito borne diseases.Read moreRead less
Unravelling community interactions between mammals and fungi, and the role of mycophagy in mediating biodiversity and driving ecosystem processes. Maintenance of Australia's forest biodiversity and healthy forested ecosystems are of national importance. Mammal species that are key to dispersing beneficial fungi in our forests have suffered greatest declines in the past, and further declines may ultimately lead to ecosystem collapse. My research seeks to unravel community relationship between ma ....Unravelling community interactions between mammals and fungi, and the role of mycophagy in mediating biodiversity and driving ecosystem processes. Maintenance of Australia's forest biodiversity and healthy forested ecosystems are of national importance. Mammal species that are key to dispersing beneficial fungi in our forests have suffered greatest declines in the past, and further declines may ultimately lead to ecosystem collapse. My research seeks to unravel community relationship between mammals and fungi, and how interactions within and between these groups maintain diverse communities. My results will enable forest managers to protect forest biodiversity from current and future threats and to restore degraded ecosystems. Through training of early career ecologists, the research also represents a tangible benefit to Australian science.Read moreRead less
Watching migrating whales: ensuring the sustainability of a growing whale-watch industry. Whale-watching is a huge growth industry, contributing $270 million to Australia in 2003. Yet most whalewatching targets species listed under the EPBC Act 1999 as species slowly recovering from massive overexploitation. Current protection measures are historical (ie best-guess) rather than scientific in origin. We will assess the scientific basis for these protection measures by experimentally manipulating ....Watching migrating whales: ensuring the sustainability of a growing whale-watch industry. Whale-watching is a huge growth industry, contributing $270 million to Australia in 2003. Yet most whalewatching targets species listed under the EPBC Act 1999 as species slowly recovering from massive overexploitation. Current protection measures are historical (ie best-guess) rather than scientific in origin. We will assess the scientific basis for these protection measures by experimentally manipulating tour boat behaviour, and by determining the economic feasibility of the industry. By doing so we will increase the long-term sustainability of the industry, a valuable tourist industry for regional Australia.Read moreRead less
Linkage Infrastructure, Equipment And Facilities - Grant ID: LE0560940
Australian Research Council
Funding Amount
Stable Isotope Ratio Mass Spectrometry Facility. This application for a Stable Isotope Ratio Mass Spectrometer Facility provides a focus for research collaboration and training in northern Australia. The Facility will enhance strong collaboration between organisations committed to increasing understanding of unique northern environments, and will include the Arafura Timor Research Facility, a Major National Research Facility. The Facility will contribute to studies of conservation biology, nat ....Stable Isotope Ratio Mass Spectrometry Facility. This application for a Stable Isotope Ratio Mass Spectrometer Facility provides a focus for research collaboration and training in northern Australia. The Facility will enhance strong collaboration between organisations committed to increasing understanding of unique northern environments, and will include the Arafura Timor Research Facility, a Major National Research Facility. The Facility will contribute to studies of conservation biology, natural resource management, environmental and marine science and resource development in the tropical north. It will help develop knowledge bases, innovative approaches to environmental management and sustainable development and high levels of research and research training for regional development.Read moreRead less
The preservation and management of Koala genetic diversity using reproductive biotechnology and molecular genetics: A model for endangered Australian marsupials. Assisted breeding technology will provide a new paradigm for solving problems associated with the preservation and management of captive and wild Koala populations. This project aims to improve methods of koala sperm cryopreservation and its subsequent use in artificial insemination and to establish a functional frozen sperm bank screen ....The preservation and management of Koala genetic diversity using reproductive biotechnology and molecular genetics: A model for endangered Australian marsupials. Assisted breeding technology will provide a new paradigm for solving problems associated with the preservation and management of captive and wild Koala populations. This project aims to improve methods of koala sperm cryopreservation and its subsequent use in artificial insemination and to establish a functional frozen sperm bank screened for the most prevalent pathogens. Important outcomes will include (1) a reliable, cost effective and disease free approach to the transfer of Koala genetic material into international and national zoos; (2) a technique for the management of free-range genetically restricted Koala populations and (3) successful cryostorage of Koala spermatozoa for the long-term maintenance of genetic potential.Read moreRead less
Protecting the safe havens: will granite outcrop environments serve as refuges for flora threatened by anthropogenic climate change? Anthropogenic climate change threatens the Earth's biota and human society. By identifying areas that can act as refuges under projected climate conditions, adaptation and conservation activities can be focused where they will provide greatest benefit. This transdisciplinary project in the Australian global biodiversity hotspot examines the role of granite outcrops ....Protecting the safe havens: will granite outcrop environments serve as refuges for flora threatened by anthropogenic climate change? Anthropogenic climate change threatens the Earth's biota and human society. By identifying areas that can act as refuges under projected climate conditions, adaptation and conservation activities can be focused where they will provide greatest benefit. This transdisciplinary project in the Australian global biodiversity hotspot examines the role of granite outcrops as safe havens for species in the face of climate change. Knowing areas where species will retreat and maintain biodiversity under climate change will support decision making for protection of key refuges. Large financial, social and biodiversity returns follow from implementation of effective climate change adaptation management programs in Australian landscapes.Read moreRead less
Improved methods for predicting species' distributions under environmental change. Understanding the impacts of climate change and invasive species on the distribution and persistence of species is an issue of global and national significance and concern. This project will provide tools essential for the effective management of Australia's ecosystems by delivering clear guidelines and practical methods that will substantially improve the modelling of future species distributions.
Forecasting and managing biodiversity change: birds in an urbanising landscape. The project will help to predict changes in biodiversity from different development options, and will identify forms of urban design that provide improved biodiversity outcomes. The case study region (SE Queensland) is a national "biodiversity hotspot" due to high biodiversity combined with high threat from urbanisation. Findings will also be relevant to the ecological sustainability of forest ecosystems and urban ar ....Forecasting and managing biodiversity change: birds in an urbanising landscape. The project will help to predict changes in biodiversity from different development options, and will identify forms of urban design that provide improved biodiversity outcomes. The case study region (SE Queensland) is a national "biodiversity hotspot" due to high biodiversity combined with high threat from urbanisation. Findings will also be relevant to the ecological sustainability of forest ecosystems and urban areas throughout Australia. The project will develop decision-support tools for conservation planning, with the involvement of research partners from local government and regional environmental management. This will contribute to the sustainable use of Australia's biodiversity, a national research priority.Read moreRead less