Conservation planning in a dynamic and uncertain world. Nature conservation planning is an emerging discipline at the interface of biological and mathematical sciences focused on designing conservation areas. We will improve existing tools for conservation planning, which almost always assume a static world, by developing theories and procedures for undertaking conservation planning in a dynamic and uncertain world. A risk assessment and decision-making framework will be developed so that a vari ....Conservation planning in a dynamic and uncertain world. Nature conservation planning is an emerging discipline at the interface of biological and mathematical sciences focused on designing conservation areas. We will improve existing tools for conservation planning, which almost always assume a static world, by developing theories and procedures for undertaking conservation planning in a dynamic and uncertain world. A risk assessment and decision-making framework will be developed so that a variety of landscape dynamics can be taken into account when planning reserves. This research will help to ensure that reserve networks designed in the future achieve their ultimate goal of the long-term persistence of biodiversity.Read moreRead less
Unlocking the secrets of mangrove conservation success. This project aims to address the deterioration of mangrove ecosystems. Mangroves support fisheries, shoreline protection and carbon sequestration. The project aims to identify social-economic conditions that enable effective conservation in mangroves over multiple spatial scales. The project will use state of the art datasets and innovative modelling approaches to understand how factors such as population, governance and access to markets i ....Unlocking the secrets of mangrove conservation success. This project aims to address the deterioration of mangrove ecosystems. Mangroves support fisheries, shoreline protection and carbon sequestration. The project aims to identify social-economic conditions that enable effective conservation in mangroves over multiple spatial scales. The project will use state of the art datasets and innovative modelling approaches to understand how factors such as population, governance and access to markets influence changes in mangrove extent and restoration success. Expected outcomes include implementation of more effective environmental programs in Australia and overseas. This should provide significant benefits, including more cost-effective allocation of resources and increased delivery of ecosystem services.Read moreRead less
Discovery Early Career Researcher Award - Grant ID: DE170101466
Australian Research Council
Funding Amount
Can Indigenous land management forestall an extinction crisis? This project aims to test the theory that a lack of Indigenous land management precipitated the collapse of Australia's mammal fauna. Current rates of species extinction exceed background rates by 100-1000 times, because of changes to ecosystems by humans. Paradoxically, Australia’s most pressing extinction crisis could be due to too little human disturbance. This project will test Indigenous land management’s capacity to forestall f ....Can Indigenous land management forestall an extinction crisis? This project aims to test the theory that a lack of Indigenous land management precipitated the collapse of Australia's mammal fauna. Current rates of species extinction exceed background rates by 100-1000 times, because of changes to ecosystems by humans. Paradoxically, Australia’s most pressing extinction crisis could be due to too little human disturbance. This project will test Indigenous land management’s capacity to forestall further mammal declines and restore degraded ecosystems, and enhance Indigenous livelihoods. Anticipated outcomes include on-ground principles for integrating Indigenous knowledge into biodiversity conservation, and transformative insights on the interdependence of humans and their environment.Read moreRead less
Demonstrating the impacts of ground tank closure on biodiversity and landscape function in southeast Australian rangelands. Despite incentives for improving biodiversity outcomes in pastoral landscapes pastoralists are resistant to strategic tank closure. Research will monitor the effects of total-closure, partial-closure and fencing of ground tanks on biodiversity. Results of research will be built into a model to assist land managers in decision making. The research will be conducted in conjun ....Demonstrating the impacts of ground tank closure on biodiversity and landscape function in southeast Australian rangelands. Despite incentives for improving biodiversity outcomes in pastoral landscapes pastoralists are resistant to strategic tank closure. Research will monitor the effects of total-closure, partial-closure and fencing of ground tanks on biodiversity. Results of research will be built into a model to assist land managers in decision making. The research will be conducted in conjunction with land management authorities thus outcomes can be readily passed on to relevant user groups. The project will aid in the adoption of sustainable land management practices in relation to total grazing pressure and biodiversity. The research within arid woodland and shrubland communities is applicable to a large area of Australia's rangelands.Read moreRead less
Protecting the safe havens: will granite outcrop environments serve as refuges for flora threatened by anthropogenic climate change? Anthropogenic climate change threatens the Earth's biota and human society. By identifying areas that can act as refuges under projected climate conditions, adaptation and conservation activities can be focused where they will provide greatest benefit. This transdisciplinary project in the Australian global biodiversity hotspot examines the role of granite outcrops ....Protecting the safe havens: will granite outcrop environments serve as refuges for flora threatened by anthropogenic climate change? Anthropogenic climate change threatens the Earth's biota and human society. By identifying areas that can act as refuges under projected climate conditions, adaptation and conservation activities can be focused where they will provide greatest benefit. This transdisciplinary project in the Australian global biodiversity hotspot examines the role of granite outcrops as safe havens for species in the face of climate change. Knowing areas where species will retreat and maintain biodiversity under climate change will support decision making for protection of key refuges. Large financial, social and biodiversity returns follow from implementation of effective climate change adaptation management programs in Australian landscapes.Read moreRead less
Industrial Transformation Training Centres - Grant ID: IC150100041
Australian Research Council
Funding Amount
ARC Training Centre for Mine Site Restoration. ARC Training Centre for Mining Restoration. This training centre aims to deliver integrated research projects and industry-ready professionals focused on the needs of the mining restoration industry. It aims to improve the capacity of the industry to deliver improved financial, social and environmental outcomes. Restoration sits at the heart of Australia’s ability to sustainably and responsibly exploit its vast mineral wealth, and regulatory approva ....ARC Training Centre for Mine Site Restoration. ARC Training Centre for Mining Restoration. This training centre aims to deliver integrated research projects and industry-ready professionals focused on the needs of the mining restoration industry. It aims to improve the capacity of the industry to deliver improved financial, social and environmental outcomes. Restoration sits at the heart of Australia’s ability to sustainably and responsibly exploit its vast mineral wealth, and regulatory approval for mining is dependent on effective restoration. However, the lack of cost-effective restoration solutions at the scale required is currently a major impediment for regulatory and social compliance. The centre aims to overcome this impediment by establishing industry-integrated research training positions that specifically address industry requirements for restoration.Read moreRead less
Human-induced changes in the genetic structure of amphibian populations. This study will produce one of the first predictive models of the impact of humans on the genetic structure of animal populations. It will contribute to land-use planning in the greater Melbourne area, and support the regional action plan called Melbourne2030. It will promote active collaboration between universities and Museum Victoria, enriching our local intellectual community. The project will address current debates wi ....Human-induced changes in the genetic structure of amphibian populations. This study will produce one of the first predictive models of the impact of humans on the genetic structure of animal populations. It will contribute to land-use planning in the greater Melbourne area, and support the regional action plan called Melbourne2030. It will promote active collaboration between universities and Museum Victoria, enriching our local intellectual community. The project will address current debates within landscape genetics, and strengthen Australia's international standing in landscape ecology. Several Australian undergraduate and PhD students will participate in cutting-edge science, which helps Australia maintain its prominent international reputation in these fields.Read moreRead less
Predicting metapopulation dynamics with multiple patch states. Classical theory allows metapopulations to have subpopulations in one of two states, occupied or unoccupied. However, patches may have their own dynamic created by ecological succession or disturbance processes such as grazing. We will develop new theory incorporating patch dynamics, and test the theory on a spatially explicit metapopulation in the real world, the mound spring invertebrates of the Great Artesian Basin. We will use th ....Predicting metapopulation dynamics with multiple patch states. Classical theory allows metapopulations to have subpopulations in one of two states, occupied or unoccupied. However, patches may have their own dynamic created by ecological succession or disturbance processes such as grazing. We will develop new theory incorporating patch dynamics, and test the theory on a spatially explicit metapopulation in the real world, the mound spring invertebrates of the Great Artesian Basin. We will use the theory to forecast the risk of extinction for these endemic species, and develop methods to quantify the statistical power of monitoring for environmental trends.Read moreRead less
Unlocking the secrets of mangrove conservation success. This project aims to address the deterioration of mangrove ecosystems. Mangroves support fisheries, shoreline protection and carbon sequestration. The project aims to identify social-economic conditions that enable effective conservation in mangroves over multiple spatial scales. The project will use state of the art datasets and innovative modelling approaches to understand how factors such as population, governance and access to markets i ....Unlocking the secrets of mangrove conservation success. This project aims to address the deterioration of mangrove ecosystems. Mangroves support fisheries, shoreline protection and carbon sequestration. The project aims to identify social-economic conditions that enable effective conservation in mangroves over multiple spatial scales. The project will use state of the art datasets and innovative modelling approaches to understand how factors such as population, governance and access to markets influence changes in mangrove extent and restoration success. Expected outcomes include implementation of more effective environmental programs in Australia and overseas. This should provide significant benefits, including more cost-effective allocation of resources and increased delivery of ecosystem services.Read moreRead less
Catchment restoration: generating prescriptions for evidence-based best practice in the future, from experience of the past. Catchment management programs, supported by substantial government finances, have been leading landscape rehabilitation measures across Australia for more than a decade. Few, if any, projects assessed the outcomes of the measures in terms of action success, plant survivability, landscape stabilisation and water resource benefit. This project will audit the proposed and act ....Catchment restoration: generating prescriptions for evidence-based best practice in the future, from experience of the past. Catchment management programs, supported by substantial government finances, have been leading landscape rehabilitation measures across Australia for more than a decade. Few, if any, projects assessed the outcomes of the measures in terms of action success, plant survivability, landscape stabilisation and water resource benefit. This project will audit the proposed and actual rehabilitation measures undertaken in five catchments and assess the modern condition of plantations, catchments and waterways. Lessons from this audit will generate prescriptions that will be integrated into a web decision support system optimising the outcomes from future catchment management in terms of biodiversity, landscape stability and stream condition.Read moreRead less