Endocrine Disrupting Compounds: Novel tests for Analysis and Field Validation. This project will give community benefits from new analytical technology and research data to help minimise the threat of environmental contamination with endocrine-disrupting compounds (EDCs). Both urban and rural communities may feel the impacts of EDCs, with potential contamination occurring globally, affecting both wildlife and humans. The main means of transport of EDCs is as contaminants in water and it is ess ....Endocrine Disrupting Compounds: Novel tests for Analysis and Field Validation. This project will give community benefits from new analytical technology and research data to help minimise the threat of environmental contamination with endocrine-disrupting compounds (EDCs). Both urban and rural communities may feel the impacts of EDCs, with potential contamination occurring globally, affecting both wildlife and humans. The main means of transport of EDCs is as contaminants in water and it is essential to learn the extent of contamination occurring in urban and rural water supplies to decide its significance. The research will involve a multi-disciplinary approach, with benefits falling into all four National Research Priorities of sustainability, good health, frontier analytical technology and national safety.Read moreRead less
Learning from the development and implementation of Australia's National Indigenous Forestry Strategy. The project will undertake a multi-disciplinary study of the National Indigenous Forest Strategy (NIFS) in the native title era. A team comprising three academics from the ANU and key industry partners will collaborate with a very experienced APAI on the project. There has been considerable public policy concern and debate about the development problems facing Indigenous communities, particular ....Learning from the development and implementation of Australia's National Indigenous Forestry Strategy. The project will undertake a multi-disciplinary study of the National Indigenous Forest Strategy (NIFS) in the native title era. A team comprising three academics from the ANU and key industry partners will collaborate with a very experienced APAI on the project. There has been considerable public policy concern and debate about the development problems facing Indigenous communities, particularly in regional and remote Australia. Forestry offers one option for economic initiative, especially on the significant Indigenous estate. This project will inform and monitor the evolving NIFS and canvass options for policy-realistic and culturally-acceptable ways that forestry can ameliorate Indigenous socio-economic disadvantage.Read moreRead less
Linkage Infrastructure, Equipment And Facilities - Grant ID: LE0668495
Australian Research Council
Funding Amount
A Gas Chromatograph-Combustion/Elemental Analyser-Isotope Ratio Mass Spectrometer (GC-c/EA-IRMS) system for Environmental Research. The proposed Gas Chromatograph-Combustion/Elemental Analyser-Isotope Ratio Mass Spectrometer (GC-c/EA-IRMS) system will allow ground-breaking research to be undertaken resulting in advances in a variety of environmental fields. As such, this system will significantly enhance many core research programs at Southern Cross University and enhance our ability to delivery ....A Gas Chromatograph-Combustion/Elemental Analyser-Isotope Ratio Mass Spectrometer (GC-c/EA-IRMS) system for Environmental Research. The proposed Gas Chromatograph-Combustion/Elemental Analyser-Isotope Ratio Mass Spectrometer (GC-c/EA-IRMS) system will allow ground-breaking research to be undertaken resulting in advances in a variety of environmental fields. As such, this system will significantly enhance many core research programs at Southern Cross University and enhance our ability to delivery high quality research in the National Research Priority Area of An Environmentally Sustainable Australia with priority goals water- a critical resource, overcoming soil loss, salinity and acidity and sustainable use of Australia's biodiversity. Read moreRead less
Conservation planning: incorporating patch dynamics and climate change to achieve better outcomes. This research will make significant contributions to planning for An Environmentally Sustainable Australia. Key outcomes will include guidelines for including, for the first time, the patch dynamics of coral bleaching and pelagic productivity in conservation planning. By using an Australian icon, the Great Barrier Reef, as the case study for this research, the findings will be directly applicable a ....Conservation planning: incorporating patch dynamics and climate change to achieve better outcomes. This research will make significant contributions to planning for An Environmentally Sustainable Australia. Key outcomes will include guidelines for including, for the first time, the patch dynamics of coral bleaching and pelagic productivity in conservation planning. By using an Australian icon, the Great Barrier Reef, as the case study for this research, the findings will be directly applicable and implementable. Furthermore, this study will result in an understanding of the potential effect of climate change on patch dynamics, and will provide guidelines and theory for planning for such changes. This research will enable Australia to effectively protect its biodiversity and to relate this knowledge to its neighbours.Read moreRead less
Indigenous Weather: Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander's perspectives on weather. This project aims to collect, synthesise and interpret Indigenous Australian knowledge on weather patterns, seasonal variations, environmental and climatic change. The development of an Indigenous weather knowledge data-base will be incorporated into the Bureau of Meteorology's external web page and will provide much needed infomation on Indigenous people's understanding of their enviroment.
Linkage Infrastructure, Equipment And Facilities - Grant ID: LE0989624
Australian Research Council
Funding Amount
A high performance stable-isotope microanalytical facility for environmental Earth science and climate change research. Australia is exceptionally well positioned to play a lead role in the international effort to predict climate change, human impacts on the environment, and great submarine earthquakes and tsunamis. The new-generation stable-isotope microanalytical facility will give Australia unprecedented technical and modelling capacities and maximise the impact of high-profile research in th ....A high performance stable-isotope microanalytical facility for environmental Earth science and climate change research. Australia is exceptionally well positioned to play a lead role in the international effort to predict climate change, human impacts on the environment, and great submarine earthquakes and tsunamis. The new-generation stable-isotope microanalytical facility will give Australia unprecedented technical and modelling capacities and maximise the impact of high-profile research in the earth sciences. Every Australasian nation will benefit from new knowledge that is essential to address civilisation's most serious environmental threats. The new facilities will foster outstanding opportunities for collaboration, post-graduate education, and research training with outcomes that will engage the public in the excitement of scientific discovery.Read moreRead less
Formation, degradation and migration of a yet unidentified POP source. Australia has recently ratified the Stockholm Convention, targeting persistent organic pollutants (POPs) for global reduction and elimination. A significant gap exists, however, in understanding sources and pathways of POPs in Australia, and subtropical/tropical environments. Previous research has shown an extensive POP contamination in coastal Australia, and exposure of biota to elevated levels. The present study will evalua ....Formation, degradation and migration of a yet unidentified POP source. Australia has recently ratified the Stockholm Convention, targeting persistent organic pollutants (POPs) for global reduction and elimination. A significant gap exists, however, in understanding sources and pathways of POPs in Australia, and subtropical/tropical environments. Previous research has shown an extensive POP contamination in coastal Australia, and exposure of biota to elevated levels. The present study will evaluate the formation, degradation and migration of POPs, and their significance to Australia's past, present and future emissions. The outcomes will allow identification of sources, their prioritization for elimination and exposure prevention, and ultimately serve to protect the environment and human health in Australia.Read moreRead less
Special Research Initiatives - Grant ID: SR0354668
Australian Research Council
Funding Amount
Australian City and Regional Network. The Network aims to sponsor, sustain and encourage multidisciplinary and transdisciplinary research into problems in and of Australian cities and the reasons for their form and structure. It will develop a national collaborative research training program. The network will develop a communication path between academics, industry and government enabling the development of a more informed exploration of urban development policies. It will also lead to the ident ....Australian City and Regional Network. The Network aims to sponsor, sustain and encourage multidisciplinary and transdisciplinary research into problems in and of Australian cities and the reasons for their form and structure. It will develop a national collaborative research training program. The network will develop a communication path between academics, industry and government enabling the development of a more informed exploration of urban development policies. It will also lead to the identification of new economic opportunities for the development of cities and regions.Read moreRead less
Linkage Infrastructure, Equipment And Facilities - Grant ID: Le0989624
Australian Research Council
A high performance stable-isotope microanalytical facility for environmental Earth science and climate change research. Australia is exceptionally well positioned to play a lead role in the international effort to predict climate change, human impacts on the environment, and great submarine earthquakes and tsunamis. The new-generation stable-isotope microanalytical facility will give Australia unprecedented technical and modelling capacities and maximise the impact of high-profile research in th ....A high performance stable-isotope microanalytical facility for environmental Earth science and climate change research. Australia is exceptionally well positioned to play a lead role in the international effort to predict climate change, human impacts on the environment, and great submarine earthquakes and tsunamis. The new-generation stable-isotope microanalytical facility will give Australia unprecedented technical and modelling capacities and maximise the impact of high-profile research in the earth sciences. Every Australasian nation will benefit from new knowledge that is essential to address civilisation's most serious environmental threats. The new facilities will foster outstanding opportunities for collaboration, post-graduate education, and research training with outcomes that will engage the public in the excitement of scientific discovery.Read moreRead less
Interactions between denitrification and carbon mineralisation in permeable sediments: A new approach using state of the art instruments and modelling. Excessive nutrient release from manmade sources may lead to algal blooms in aquatic environments. Nitrogen is a nutrient of particular concern in coastal waters because it controls algal growth. Aquatic environments are able to cleanse themselves of excess nitrogen by a process known as denitrification which happens in the sediments. Amazingly ....Interactions between denitrification and carbon mineralisation in permeable sediments: A new approach using state of the art instruments and modelling. Excessive nutrient release from manmade sources may lead to algal blooms in aquatic environments. Nitrogen is a nutrient of particular concern in coastal waters because it controls algal growth. Aquatic environments are able to cleanse themselves of excess nitrogen by a process known as denitrification which happens in the sediments. Amazingly, we have no understanding of how denitrification works in sands despite the fact that most of the coastline is covered in sand. The results from this project will provide critical information needed to predict and reduce algal blooms in coastal waters.Read moreRead less