Vision and remote sensing: using nature's technology to examine the health of The Great Barrier Reef and Moreton Bay. We aim to use what is known and what we will discover about animals visual systems to examine environmental health on The Great Barrier Reef and Moreton Bay. Technology and knowledge from 8 university departments, 4 industry partners, and 7 international collaborators will be combined to both learn and provide information. The innovative aspect of our approach is to examine the w ....Vision and remote sensing: using nature's technology to examine the health of The Great Barrier Reef and Moreton Bay. We aim to use what is known and what we will discover about animals visual systems to examine environmental health on The Great Barrier Reef and Moreton Bay. Technology and knowledge from 8 university departments, 4 industry partners, and 7 international collaborators will be combined to both learn and provide information. The innovative aspect of our approach is to examine the world with the eyes of birds, fish and invertebrates. Tricks animals employ to solve visual tasks will be implemented at scales of instrumentation from hand-held to remote sensing and used to address problems such as coral reef bleaching.Read moreRead less
Linkage Infrastructure, Equipment And Facilities - Grant ID: Le0668039
Australian Research Council
Sydney Harbour Institute of Marine Science (SHIMS) aquarium facility. With the global proportion of people living in cities now exceeding 50%, the Sydney Harbour Institute of Marine Science will champion the area of urban marine science. The proposed aquarium facility will support multidisciplinary research to find solutions for the environmental problems of marine habitats in urban areas. Research at SHIMS will examine how coastal environments are affected by human impacts, recreational fisheri ....Sydney Harbour Institute of Marine Science (SHIMS) aquarium facility. With the global proportion of people living in cities now exceeding 50%, the Sydney Harbour Institute of Marine Science will champion the area of urban marine science. The proposed aquarium facility will support multidisciplinary research to find solutions for the environmental problems of marine habitats in urban areas. Research at SHIMS will examine how coastal environments are affected by human impacts, recreational fisheries, invasive pests; develop novel technologies for detection of environmental and climate change; and provide management options to protect ports and harbours from threatening processes. The location in such a commercially and recreationally busy harbour provides excellent opportunities for research and education.Read moreRead less
ARC Centre of Excellence - Innovative science for sustainable management of coral reef biodiversity. Our vision is to apply enabling technologies to capture the national benefit arising from research excellence. The Centre has enormous capacity to provide economic, cultural, environmental and social benefits for Australia. The coral reefs of Australia, particularly the Great Barrier Reef, Ningaloo Reef, and Lord Howe Island World Heritage Area are Australian national icons, of great economic, so ....ARC Centre of Excellence - Innovative science for sustainable management of coral reef biodiversity. Our vision is to apply enabling technologies to capture the national benefit arising from research excellence. The Centre has enormous capacity to provide economic, cultural, environmental and social benefits for Australia. The coral reefs of Australia, particularly the Great Barrier Reef, Ningaloo Reef, and Lord Howe Island World Heritage Area are Australian national icons, of great economic, social, and aesthetic value to this country. In collaboration with our Partners, we will be the premier providers of the scientific expertise that underpins the management of Australian reefs, which is vital for the sustainable use of biodiversity goods and services (e.g. by the tourist industry, fisheries, and recreational users).Read moreRead less
Demonstrating the impacts of ground tank closure on biodiversity and landscape function in southeast Australian rangelands. Despite incentives for improving biodiversity outcomes in pastoral landscapes pastoralists are resistant to strategic tank closure. Research will monitor the effects of total-closure, partial-closure and fencing of ground tanks on biodiversity. Results of research will be built into a model to assist land managers in decision making. The research will be conducted in conjun ....Demonstrating the impacts of ground tank closure on biodiversity and landscape function in southeast Australian rangelands. Despite incentives for improving biodiversity outcomes in pastoral landscapes pastoralists are resistant to strategic tank closure. Research will monitor the effects of total-closure, partial-closure and fencing of ground tanks on biodiversity. Results of research will be built into a model to assist land managers in decision making. The research will be conducted in conjunction with land management authorities thus outcomes can be readily passed on to relevant user groups. The project will aid in the adoption of sustainable land management practices in relation to total grazing pressure and biodiversity. The research within arid woodland and shrubland communities is applicable to a large area of Australia's rangelands.Read moreRead less
Can dispersed, catchment-scale, urban stormwater retention restore stream ecosystems? This project is a world-first, catchment-scale, experimental test of the benefits of new stormwater treatment approaches to stream health. The project, a collaboration with Melbourne Water and the Shire of Yarra Ranges, integrates river, urban stormwater and water resource management for multiple benefits. It should accelerate the uptake of smart, sustainable technologies in stormwater use and management, and ....Can dispersed, catchment-scale, urban stormwater retention restore stream ecosystems? This project is a world-first, catchment-scale, experimental test of the benefits of new stormwater treatment approaches to stream health. The project, a collaboration with Melbourne Water and the Shire of Yarra Ranges, integrates river, urban stormwater and water resource management for multiple benefits. It should accelerate the uptake of smart, sustainable technologies in stormwater use and management, and identify better investment strategies for urban water and river management. The robust testing of the effect of new treatment design objectives by a catchment-scale experiment will have a strong impact on research in stream ecology and urban water management.Read moreRead less
Enhancing native seed performance for minesite restoration and biodiversity conservation. The knowledge and practical outcomes generated from this project will facilitate more effective restoration of degraded native ecosystems through the return of a wider range of key understorey plant taxa and more efficient use of seed supplies. Availability of a broader suite of species will increase biodiversity, improve ecosystem resilience to change, and help in the conservation and recovery of nationall ....Enhancing native seed performance for minesite restoration and biodiversity conservation. The knowledge and practical outcomes generated from this project will facilitate more effective restoration of degraded native ecosystems through the return of a wider range of key understorey plant taxa and more efficient use of seed supplies. Availability of a broader suite of species will increase biodiversity, improve ecosystem resilience to change, and help in the conservation and recovery of nationally threatened taxa. By increasing the range of species with horticultural potential available for commercial propagation, it will also reduce the harvest of wild flowers. More efficient production and use of seed stocks will reduce the pressure on limited seed resources from seed harvesting.Read moreRead less
Unravelling community interactions between mammals and fungi, and the role of mycophagy in mediating biodiversity and driving ecosystem processes. Maintenance of Australia's forest biodiversity and healthy forested ecosystems are of national importance. Mammal species that are key to dispersing beneficial fungi in our forests have suffered greatest declines in the past, and further declines may ultimately lead to ecosystem collapse. My research seeks to unravel community relationship between ma ....Unravelling community interactions between mammals and fungi, and the role of mycophagy in mediating biodiversity and driving ecosystem processes. Maintenance of Australia's forest biodiversity and healthy forested ecosystems are of national importance. Mammal species that are key to dispersing beneficial fungi in our forests have suffered greatest declines in the past, and further declines may ultimately lead to ecosystem collapse. My research seeks to unravel community relationship between mammals and fungi, and how interactions within and between these groups maintain diverse communities. My results will enable forest managers to protect forest biodiversity from current and future threats and to restore degraded ecosystems. Through training of early career ecologists, the research also represents a tangible benefit to Australian science.Read moreRead less
Contemporary sulfur biomineralisation in acid sulfate soil landscapes. This project aims to generate fundamental knowledge on the processes, kinetics and impacts to water quality of contemporary sulfur biomineralisation in acid sulfate soil landscapes. Extreme concentrations of highly reactive sulfides are forming in the surface sediments of floodplain drains, wetlands and agricultural soils. The newly forming sulfides are linked to severe oxygen depletion and acidification of coastal rivers a ....Contemporary sulfur biomineralisation in acid sulfate soil landscapes. This project aims to generate fundamental knowledge on the processes, kinetics and impacts to water quality of contemporary sulfur biomineralisation in acid sulfate soil landscapes. Extreme concentrations of highly reactive sulfides are forming in the surface sediments of floodplain drains, wetlands and agricultural soils. The newly forming sulfides are linked to severe oxygen depletion and acidification of coastal rivers and the complete failure of floodplain vegetation, leaving soils susceptible to erosion. The proposed study will greatly advance our understanding of how our precious coastal floodplain soil and water resources are being degraded, and will guide better land management.
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What are the risks of viral infections in drinking water storages? South East Queensland's population growth is the fastest in Australia but our drinking water supplies will be fully allocated by 2020. Maintaining public health standards of the existing supplies is vital. Declines in water quality in these unprotected catchments will influence viral infection but we don't know how. Toxin producing algae (cyanobacteria) also bloom and we don't know why. We have an innovative approach to determine ....What are the risks of viral infections in drinking water storages? South East Queensland's population growth is the fastest in Australia but our drinking water supplies will be fully allocated by 2020. Maintaining public health standards of the existing supplies is vital. Declines in water quality in these unprotected catchments will influence viral infection but we don't know how. Toxin producing algae (cyanobacteria) also bloom and we don't know why. We have an innovative approach to determine how changing water quality influences viral infection of toxic cyanobacteria and the potential of human viral pathogens (disease causing) to infect. This new knowledge will improve SEQWater's ability to manage public and ecosystem health risks in drinking water storages.Read moreRead less
Biomarkers of Heavy Metal Stress in Mangrove Ecosystems. Australia has the third largest area of mangroves internationally and these systems are highly productive as primary producers, habitat and nursery area for many juvenile commercial fish species. The consequences of local destruction of mangroves through human impacts are lower fish productivity and loss of water quality. The validation of predictive early warning biomarkers of heavy metal stress in mangroves would provide a powerful manag ....Biomarkers of Heavy Metal Stress in Mangrove Ecosystems. Australia has the third largest area of mangroves internationally and these systems are highly productive as primary producers, habitat and nursery area for many juvenile commercial fish species. The consequences of local destruction of mangroves through human impacts are lower fish productivity and loss of water quality. The validation of predictive early warning biomarkers of heavy metal stress in mangroves would provide a powerful management tool that would enable evidence of pollutant exposure and accurate 'early-warning' indication of biological/environmental effects, allowing effective remedial action and protection of estuarine waters and resources both nationally and internationally. Read moreRead less