Resilience of Coral Reef Ecosystems to Climate Change. Science-based management of coral reefs provides enormous environmental, social and economic benefit to Australia and other tropical maritime nations. The proposed research will provide scientific knowledge and research training that underpins the management and long-term sustainability of Australian reef resources. Climate change research is vital for supporting the sustainable use of the ecosystem goods and services provided by reef ecosy ....Resilience of Coral Reef Ecosystems to Climate Change. Science-based management of coral reefs provides enormous environmental, social and economic benefit to Australia and other tropical maritime nations. The proposed research will provide scientific knowledge and research training that underpins the management and long-term sustainability of Australian reef resources. Climate change research is vital for supporting the sustainable use of the ecosystem goods and services provided by reef ecosystems (e.g. to tourism and fishing industries, recreational users and indigenous Australians). This research will place Australia in the forefront of understanding and responding to the regional-scale impacts of climate change on tropical societies and economies.Read moreRead less
Restoring blue forests with green gravel. This proposal aims to progress a novel marine restoration technique (green gravel) from concept to application. This is significant because it will overcome key challenges currently hindering success of kelp forest restoration and provide scalable and practical solutions to future-proof kelp forests against climate and anthropogenic stress. Outcomes include progression of marine restoration from science to practice and into policy through local and globa ....Restoring blue forests with green gravel. This proposal aims to progress a novel marine restoration technique (green gravel) from concept to application. This is significant because it will overcome key challenges currently hindering success of kelp forest restoration and provide scalable and practical solutions to future-proof kelp forests against climate and anthropogenic stress. Outcomes include progression of marine restoration from science to practice and into policy through local and global communication. Benefits include strong local and global alliances to scale up kelp restoration and reverse habitat degradation and associated economic loss.Read moreRead less
Resolving human-flying fox conflict in the face of environmental change. Resolving human-flying fox conflict in the face of environmental change. This project aims to identify socially-acceptable priority areas to be managed for the long-term viability of flying-foxes under a changing climate, and develop strategies to mitigate human-flying fox conflict, using ecological and social analysis in a decision-theoretic framework. Flying-foxes are nationally protected mammals pivotal to Australia’s fo ....Resolving human-flying fox conflict in the face of environmental change. Resolving human-flying fox conflict in the face of environmental change. This project aims to identify socially-acceptable priority areas to be managed for the long-term viability of flying-foxes under a changing climate, and develop strategies to mitigate human-flying fox conflict, using ecological and social analysis in a decision-theoretic framework. Flying-foxes are nationally protected mammals pivotal to Australia’s forest ecosystems, but are threatened by habitat loss, extreme weather and legal culls at orchards. Their exceptional mobility puts them in frequent conflict with human settlements, leading to forced dispersals from roosts. Anticipated outcomes are the conservation of Australia’s flying-foxes and international understanding of how to resolve human conflict with highly mobile species that are threatened but locally abundant and controversial.Read moreRead less
Prioritising habitat restoration for biodiversity and ecosystem service outcomes. An emerging carbon market will provide funds for habitat restoration over the coming decades, but this will only be realised through careful prioritisation and planning. This research will prioritise investments in habitat restoration in order to cost-effectively achieve biodiversity conservation and ecosystem service protection goals.
ARC Centre of Excellence for Environmental Decisions. Despite facing the sixth global mass extinction of species, most conservation management is unevaluated and inefficient. The ARC Centre of Excellence for Environmental Decisions will provide international research leadership in tackling the complex problems of environmental management and monitoring in an uncertain world. Working through six Australian universities and six international organisations, the Centre will forge new approaches and ....ARC Centre of Excellence for Environmental Decisions. Despite facing the sixth global mass extinction of species, most conservation management is unevaluated and inefficient. The ARC Centre of Excellence for Environmental Decisions will provide international research leadership in tackling the complex problems of environmental management and monitoring in an uncertain world. Working through six Australian universities and six international organisations, the Centre will forge new approaches and tools from ecology, mathematics, statistics, economics and the social sciences. It will lead the world in developing and delivering predictive models and decision-making approaches to improve outcomes in conservation.Read moreRead less
Prioritising habitat restoration for biodiversity and ecosystem service outcomes. An emerging carbon market will provide funds for habitat restoration over the coming decades, but this will only be realised through careful prioritisation and planning. This research will prioritise investments in habitat restoration in order to cost-effectively achieve biodiversity conservation and ecosystem service protection goals.
Managing evolutionary-ecological process in restoring Banksia woodland resilient to global environmental changes. By manipulating genetic diversity, local selection and gene flow in restored plant communities, this project will establish suitable regimes to manage evolutionary processes in large-scale restoration, thereby improving success and resilience to future changes. It will significantly advance our understanding of evolutionary processes operating in restoration efforts, and lead to impr ....Managing evolutionary-ecological process in restoring Banksia woodland resilient to global environmental changes. By manipulating genetic diversity, local selection and gene flow in restored plant communities, this project will establish suitable regimes to manage evolutionary processes in large-scale restoration, thereby improving success and resilience to future changes. It will significantly advance our understanding of evolutionary processes operating in restoration efforts, and lead to improved restoration success, better long-term ecological functioning in restored ecosystems, better investment of resources, and maintenance of Australia’s biodiversity in the face of rapid environmental change. These findings should be of relevance to broader restoration initiatives managed by the government, community, and industry nationally and internationally.Read moreRead less
Predicting the effects of desalination plant discharge in a changing ocean environment. This project will test whether changes to the ocean environment associated with climate change (a warmer and more acidic ocean) will influence the sensitivity of marine organisms to hyper-saline discharges. Novel toxicity tests will be developed using locally relevant species that will provide crucial tools for the management of coastal habitats.
Improving predictions of species distribution dynamics. This project aims to mainstream methods for improved prediction of species distributions under the impacts of environmental change. This is important because these predictions are commonly used to guide environmental decisions, but the standard modelling methods used to produce them have critical limitations. This project intends to (i) make key statistical developments to methods for modelling dynamics of species distributions and (ii) tra ....Improving predictions of species distribution dynamics. This project aims to mainstream methods for improved prediction of species distributions under the impacts of environmental change. This is important because these predictions are commonly used to guide environmental decisions, but the standard modelling methods used to produce them have critical limitations. This project intends to (i) make key statistical developments to methods for modelling dynamics of species distributions and (ii) translate the methods into practice, through guidelines, tools and training, engagement with users and case studies addressing species of current concern. This should provide significant benefits because it will enable better decisions and more effective and cost-efficient management actions.Read moreRead less
ARC Centre of Excellence for Environmental Decisions. Despite facing the sixth global mass extinction of species, most conservation management is unevaluated and inefficient. The ARC Centre of Excellence for Environmental Decisions will provide international research leadership in tackling the complex problems of environmental management and monitoring in an uncertain world. Working through six Australian universities and six international organisations, the Centre will forge new approaches and ....ARC Centre of Excellence for Environmental Decisions. Despite facing the sixth global mass extinction of species, most conservation management is unevaluated and inefficient. The ARC Centre of Excellence for Environmental Decisions will provide international research leadership in tackling the complex problems of environmental management and monitoring in an uncertain world. Working through six Australian universities and six international organisations, the Centre will forge new approaches and tools from ecology, mathematics, statistics, economics and the social sciences. It will lead the world in developing and delivering predictive models and decision-making approaches to improve outcomes in conservation.Read moreRead less