Better oceans, better futures:Indigenous knowledges and oceans governance . This project aims to re-imagine oceans governance by drawing inspiration and guidance from Indigenous ontologies and epistemologies. Using an Indigenous lens, it will explore opportunities for more inclusive approaches to oceans governance and economic development. Current systems privilege and valorise ‘rational’ knowledge and data, marginalising subjective, relational and cultural values. The project outcomes will inc ....Better oceans, better futures:Indigenous knowledges and oceans governance . This project aims to re-imagine oceans governance by drawing inspiration and guidance from Indigenous ontologies and epistemologies. Using an Indigenous lens, it will explore opportunities for more inclusive approaches to oceans governance and economic development. Current systems privilege and valorise ‘rational’ knowledge and data, marginalising subjective, relational and cultural values. The project outcomes will include the identification of opportunities for better consideration of diverse values, knowledges and worldviews in existing governing systems.This will provide significant benefits, including greater agency for civil society, especially Indigenous communities at local, regional, national and international scales.Read moreRead less
Industrial Transformation Training Centres - Grant ID: IC210100034
Australian Research Council
Funding Amount
ARC Training Centre for Healing Country. Healing Country aims to be a world-first on-country capability, employment and business development training centre for Indigenous Australians. The centre aims to achieve cost-effective restoration solutions that grow and strengthen Indigenous enterprises, expand and bolster diverse training pathways, and conduct innovative research to support the advancement of a diversified Indigenous-led Restoration Economy. Healing Country will fuse Indigenous culture ....ARC Training Centre for Healing Country. Healing Country aims to be a world-first on-country capability, employment and business development training centre for Indigenous Australians. The centre aims to achieve cost-effective restoration solutions that grow and strengthen Indigenous enterprises, expand and bolster diverse training pathways, and conduct innovative research to support the advancement of a diversified Indigenous-led Restoration Economy. Healing Country will fuse Indigenous culture in a cooperative vision where science and traditional approaches to land management and rehabilitation will create and nourish an economy that supports healthy land and transform Indigenous restoration businesses into a major employer of on-country regional jobs.Read moreRead less
Innovative systematic conservation planning for Indigenous Land and Sea Country: Torres Strait as a case study. Australia’s Indigenous communities have responsibilities for managing their Land and Sea Country in partnership with governments. Much of Australia’s globally significant biodiversity occurs in Indigenous country. Effective management requires plans to be developed using both western science and Traditional Knowledge to enable local communities to protect both their culture and biodive ....Innovative systematic conservation planning for Indigenous Land and Sea Country: Torres Strait as a case study. Australia’s Indigenous communities have responsibilities for managing their Land and Sea Country in partnership with governments. Much of Australia’s globally significant biodiversity occurs in Indigenous country. Effective management requires plans to be developed using both western science and Traditional Knowledge to enable local communities to protect both their culture and biodiversity. This project will develop innovative scientific tools to assist Indigenous communities and governments to design and implement systematic conservation planning initiatives ‘on country’, using Torres Strait as a case study. The tools that are developed will have general relevance to Australian Indigenous communities and developing countries. Read moreRead less
Developing Ecosystem Services Economies for northern Australia. The project aims to advance economic opportunities for Indigenous communities across Northern Australia by developing culturally appropriate ecosystem services economies. The project will offer new alternatives for collectively addressing chronic Indigenous socio-economic issues and pressing environmental issues. Expected outcomes include a co-developed ecosystem services economies business model with a toolkit, involving Indigenous ....Developing Ecosystem Services Economies for northern Australia. The project aims to advance economic opportunities for Indigenous communities across Northern Australia by developing culturally appropriate ecosystem services economies. The project will offer new alternatives for collectively addressing chronic Indigenous socio-economic issues and pressing environmental issues. Expected outcomes include a co-developed ecosystem services economies business model with a toolkit, involving Indigenous and business stakeholders, for establishing innovative enterprises across northern Australia. Key benefits include new ecosystem services-based enterprises; sustainable land sector development; jobs in remote locations; improved well-being of Indigenous peoples; and better environmental management. Read moreRead less
Planning for sustainable development and biodiversity on Indigenous lands. This project aims to develop a new approach to participatory land-use planning for sustainable development and conservation, in partnership with the Tiwi Land Council. Planning for sustainable development is complex but vital to reconciling economic, social and conservation goals worldwide. The project will evaluate land-use scenarios, including Indigenous Protected Areas, with ecological and economic models that integrat ....Planning for sustainable development and biodiversity on Indigenous lands. This project aims to develop a new approach to participatory land-use planning for sustainable development and conservation, in partnership with the Tiwi Land Council. Planning for sustainable development is complex but vital to reconciling economic, social and conservation goals worldwide. The project will evaluate land-use scenarios, including Indigenous Protected Areas, with ecological and economic models that integrate Indigenous and scientific knowledge. Benefits will include new planning tools and improved understanding of trade-offs between goals, especially on Australia’s Indigenous estates.Read moreRead less
Warrakan'puy Djäma: A new biocultural approach to fauna conservation. This project aims to record endangered Indigenous knowledge of fauna and integrate this with innovative Western science to develop Australia’s first cross-cultural fauna conservation strategy. In partnership with the Laynhapuy Indigenous Protected Area and one of Australia’s strongest Aboriginal cultural groups, the Yolngu, this project expects to generate new biocultural solutions to two of the most urgent challenges of our t ....Warrakan'puy Djäma: A new biocultural approach to fauna conservation. This project aims to record endangered Indigenous knowledge of fauna and integrate this with innovative Western science to develop Australia’s first cross-cultural fauna conservation strategy. In partnership with the Laynhapuy Indigenous Protected Area and one of Australia’s strongest Aboriginal cultural groups, the Yolngu, this project expects to generate new biocultural solutions to two of the most urgent challenges of our time: species and cultural loss. The expected outcomes include targeted on-ground fauna surveys with Elders, Rangers and youth, cross-cultural knowledge mapping, new species and landscape genetics. Innovative multimedia knowledge sharing platforms will demonstrate the multiple benefits of cross-cultural fauna science. Read moreRead less
Collaborative science for monitoring of Northern Territory marine megafauna. The project’s aim is to map population connectivity and critical habitat for coastal marine megafauna in remote northern Australian waters, providing a more informed scientific base for biodiversity monitoring and management. The project will employ cutting edge methods in genetics and movement ecology and unite Indigenous rangers with marine national park managers and scientists. Expected outcomes include enhanced capa ....Collaborative science for monitoring of Northern Territory marine megafauna. The project’s aim is to map population connectivity and critical habitat for coastal marine megafauna in remote northern Australian waters, providing a more informed scientific base for biodiversity monitoring and management. The project will employ cutting edge methods in genetics and movement ecology and unite Indigenous rangers with marine national park managers and scientists. Expected outcomes include enhanced capacity for monitoring and conservation planning and new partnerships that will improve research capacity in remote environments. Benefits include environmental management led by Indigenous Traditional Owners, sea rangers and marine park managers, and conservation benefits to coastal dolphin and sea turtle species.Read moreRead less
Geographies of co-existence in urban and rural areas. Geographies of co-existence in urban and rural areas. This project aims to develop and trial a practical resource and set of protocols for Caring for Country—Indigenous-led natural resource management (NRM) that draws on Indigenous ways of working and being with the land—in densely populated urban and rural contexts. Caring for Country approaches have enriched NRM in Australia but their implementation in heavily populated rural and urban cont ....Geographies of co-existence in urban and rural areas. Geographies of co-existence in urban and rural areas. This project aims to develop and trial a practical resource and set of protocols for Caring for Country—Indigenous-led natural resource management (NRM) that draws on Indigenous ways of working and being with the land—in densely populated urban and rural contexts. Caring for Country approaches have enriched NRM in Australia but their implementation in heavily populated rural and urban contexts has been challenging. This project is expected to support resilient communities and build options for flexible, place-based responses to environmental change in urban and rural communities.Read moreRead less
Rediscovering Aboriginal dispersal pathways. This project aims to use cutting-edge and transdisciplinary tools in partnership with Aboriginal people to rediscover deliberate prehistoric plant dispersal pathways along the Australian east coast. By working on three unrelated species with similar disjunct distributions, expected outcomes include detecting significant ‘cultural’ vegetation patterns that will challenge current assumptions about 'natural' plant distributions. New associations between ....Rediscovering Aboriginal dispersal pathways. This project aims to use cutting-edge and transdisciplinary tools in partnership with Aboriginal people to rediscover deliberate prehistoric plant dispersal pathways along the Australian east coast. By working on three unrelated species with similar disjunct distributions, expected outcomes include detecting significant ‘cultural’ vegetation patterns that will challenge current assumptions about 'natural' plant distributions. New associations between plant biogeography and deliberate Aboriginal manipulation of Australian environments will benefit cultural heritage, land management and restoration initiatives.Read moreRead less
Healing Country: integrating knowledge systems to meet climate challenges. Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities are currently experiencing severe environmental challenges related to a changing climate. Led by Aboriginal communities, this project aims to integrate traditional knowledges and environmental and health data to create community story-data maps. These interactive, online maps will be a unique and powerful blend of information, providing a rich evidence base, decision-suppo ....Healing Country: integrating knowledge systems to meet climate challenges. Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities are currently experiencing severe environmental challenges related to a changing climate. Led by Aboriginal communities, this project aims to integrate traditional knowledges and environmental and health data to create community story-data maps. These interactive, online maps will be a unique and powerful blend of information, providing a rich evidence base, decision-support and communication tool to inform the co-design of local climate change mitigation, adaptation and resilience plans. The project aims to give agency to Aboriginal communities in leading a systems change process to reduce environmental risks and strengthen health and wellbeing.Read moreRead less