Community Based Water Resources Management. In a time of predicted severe water shortage in the Asia Pacific, the University of Western Sydney and the Council of Scientific and Industrial Research, India have developed research into community based water resources management for regional townships and communities. The objective of this proposal is to connect the two water research organisations in a cross cultural comparison of their respective research programs and to develop a generic model o ....Community Based Water Resources Management. In a time of predicted severe water shortage in the Asia Pacific, the University of Western Sydney and the Council of Scientific and Industrial Research, India have developed research into community based water resources management for regional townships and communities. The objective of this proposal is to connect the two water research organisations in a cross cultural comparison of their respective research programs and to develop a generic model of regional community water use management for developed and developing countries, appropriate to the Asia-Pacific.Read moreRead less
Pesticide effects on native Australia vetebrates: A collaboration between the University of Wollongong and Texas Tech University. Aerially applied insecticides are used worldwide to control periodic locust infestations. Assessment of their effects on vertebrates is based on limited information concerning a few North American or European species. We will compare the sublethal effects of 3 compounds currently used or under consideration by the Australian Plague Locust Commission (APLC) on repre ....Pesticide effects on native Australia vetebrates: A collaboration between the University of Wollongong and Texas Tech University. Aerially applied insecticides are used worldwide to control periodic locust infestations. Assessment of their effects on vertebrates is based on limited information concerning a few North American or European species. We will compare the sublethal effects of 3 compounds currently used or under consideration by the Australian Plague Locust Commission (APLC) on representative Australian vertebrates. Assessments include cholinesterase inhibition, peak aerobic performance , thermoregulatory ability, stress responses, immune function and feeding behaviour. Our collaboration includes expertise in comparative physiology, endocrinology and wildlife toxicology.Read moreRead less
Biodiversity in high rainfall mediterranean-climate ecosystems: Integrating fields of ecological enquiry to achieve improved conservation outcomes. This project targets research priority 'An Environmentally Sustainable Australia' through the management and protection of Australia's terrestrial biodiversity, and by increasing understanding of the impact of climate change and variability at the local to regional level. By linking disparate data sets across similar climatic regions, and through dir ....Biodiversity in high rainfall mediterranean-climate ecosystems: Integrating fields of ecological enquiry to achieve improved conservation outcomes. This project targets research priority 'An Environmentally Sustainable Australia' through the management and protection of Australia's terrestrial biodiversity, and by increasing understanding of the impact of climate change and variability at the local to regional level. By linking disparate data sets across similar climatic regions, and through direct links to management agencies, this project will enable development of a landscape conservation culture for improved conservation outcomes, and more direct information use through science-based adaptive management. Efficient use of existing data and the 'promotion of an innovation culture and economy' by linking global perspectives to local conservation needs, are hallmarks of this project.Read moreRead less
Determining global and regional conservation priorities for biodiversity hotspots. The economic wealth of both Australia and Israel is underpinned by biological diversity - for example the remarkable biological diversity of both countries fuels multimillion-dollar tourism industries. We will devise methods to make better decisions about where to invest conservation dollars amongst the biodiversity 'hotspots' of the Mediterranean ecosystems of the world. We will create and test new theory and to ....Determining global and regional conservation priorities for biodiversity hotspots. The economic wealth of both Australia and Israel is underpinned by biological diversity - for example the remarkable biological diversity of both countries fuels multimillion-dollar tourism industries. We will devise methods to make better decisions about where to invest conservation dollars amongst the biodiversity 'hotspots' of the Mediterranean ecosystems of the world. We will create and test new theory and tools for incorporating into decision making the effect of processes such as climate change and invasion by alien species, which will help reduce the huge detrimental impacts on social, economic, health and human-well being. We will share the results of our work with decision makers and with the public.Read moreRead less