Beyond fire frequency: understanding fire season for ecosystem management. This project aims to investigate how the season of fire, arguably one of the biggest changes brought about by fire management, can impact ecosystems and the persistence of threatened species. The project expects to generate new yet fundamental knowledge of how the timing of fire has shifted, using a multidisciplinary team with expertise in remote sensing and fire ecology, and experimentally assess fire season effects on s ....Beyond fire frequency: understanding fire season for ecosystem management. This project aims to investigate how the season of fire, arguably one of the biggest changes brought about by fire management, can impact ecosystems and the persistence of threatened species. The project expects to generate new yet fundamental knowledge of how the timing of fire has shifted, using a multidisciplinary team with expertise in remote sensing and fire ecology, and experimentally assess fire season effects on soil properties and plant persistence. The project aims to enhance capacity of conservation agencies across Australia to effectively implement fires while maintaining biodiversity values. This should provide significant benefits for informed management of the large numbers of threatened species under their protection.Read moreRead less
Vision and remote sensing: using nature's technology to examine the health of The Great Barrier Reef and Moreton Bay. We aim to use what is known and what we will discover about animals visual systems to examine environmental health on The Great Barrier Reef and Moreton Bay. Technology and knowledge from 8 university departments, 4 industry partners, and 7 international collaborators will be combined to both learn and provide information. The innovative aspect of our approach is to examine the w ....Vision and remote sensing: using nature's technology to examine the health of The Great Barrier Reef and Moreton Bay. We aim to use what is known and what we will discover about animals visual systems to examine environmental health on The Great Barrier Reef and Moreton Bay. Technology and knowledge from 8 university departments, 4 industry partners, and 7 international collaborators will be combined to both learn and provide information. The innovative aspect of our approach is to examine the world with the eyes of birds, fish and invertebrates. Tricks animals employ to solve visual tasks will be implemented at scales of instrumentation from hand-held to remote sensing and used to address problems such as coral reef bleaching.Read moreRead less
Linkage Infrastructure, Equipment And Facilities - Grant ID: Le0668039
Australian Research Council
Sydney Harbour Institute of Marine Science (SHIMS) aquarium facility. With the global proportion of people living in cities now exceeding 50%, the Sydney Harbour Institute of Marine Science will champion the area of urban marine science. The proposed aquarium facility will support multidisciplinary research to find solutions for the environmental problems of marine habitats in urban areas. Research at SHIMS will examine how coastal environments are affected by human impacts, recreational fisheri ....Sydney Harbour Institute of Marine Science (SHIMS) aquarium facility. With the global proportion of people living in cities now exceeding 50%, the Sydney Harbour Institute of Marine Science will champion the area of urban marine science. The proposed aquarium facility will support multidisciplinary research to find solutions for the environmental problems of marine habitats in urban areas. Research at SHIMS will examine how coastal environments are affected by human impacts, recreational fisheries, invasive pests; develop novel technologies for detection of environmental and climate change; and provide management options to protect ports and harbours from threatening processes. The location in such a commercially and recreationally busy harbour provides excellent opportunities for research and education.Read moreRead less
Development of an integrated sustainability framework for best management practice of urban water systems. The aim of the project is to develop an integrated sustainability framework for Australian urban water systems. The project will aim to overcome major methodological limitations that are caused by the separate consideration of environmental impacts, health risks, economic and social aspects, by taking a holistic, inter-disciplinary and integrated approach.
The outcome will be a sound, co ....Development of an integrated sustainability framework for best management practice of urban water systems. The aim of the project is to develop an integrated sustainability framework for Australian urban water systems. The project will aim to overcome major methodological limitations that are caused by the separate consideration of environmental impacts, health risks, economic and social aspects, by taking a holistic, inter-disciplinary and integrated approach.
The outcome will be a sound, comprehensive, mostly quantitative, reproducible, transparent and reliable framework for sustainability. This new method will be trialled for developing sustainable water strategies for five major Australian cities. Its value is greatly increased by the fact that the project will be developed with strong community engagement.Read moreRead less
Seagrass tolerance of oil spills - scaling of pollution impacts. Seagrasses provide vital ecosystem services (such as sediment stabilisation and habitat provision) in Australian coastal waters. The contribution of pollutants to current seagrass decline is poorly understood. The Australian shipping industry is the 5th largest in the world but there is very little data on the impacts of petroleum hydrocarbons on intertidal seagrasses and hence no information for coastal resource managers to use in ....Seagrass tolerance of oil spills - scaling of pollution impacts. Seagrasses provide vital ecosystem services (such as sediment stabilisation and habitat provision) in Australian coastal waters. The contribution of pollutants to current seagrass decline is poorly understood. The Australian shipping industry is the 5th largest in the world but there is very little data on the impacts of petroleum hydrocarbons on intertidal seagrasses and hence no information for coastal resource managers to use in decision-making in the event of an oil spill. This project will assess the relative toxicities of a number of petroleum hydrocarbons on Australian seagrass species to provide necessary data for the development of effective management practice.Read moreRead less
Impact of increased sediment and nutrient discharges on the long-term sustainability of the Great Barrier Reef. The Great Barrier Reef, one of Australia's greatest natural assets, is under increasing threat from extreme climatic events caused by global warming and from land-based pollution. This research will identify the main sources of sediment and nutrient pollution caused by river runoff and by how much this has increased above 'natural levels'. We will discover how the very sensitive offsho ....Impact of increased sediment and nutrient discharges on the long-term sustainability of the Great Barrier Reef. The Great Barrier Reef, one of Australia's greatest natural assets, is under increasing threat from extreme climatic events caused by global warming and from land-based pollution. This research will identify the main sources of sediment and nutrient pollution caused by river runoff and by how much this has increased above 'natural levels'. We will discover how the very sensitive offshore coral reefs have responded to increased pollution and whether this is the cause of the very devastating crown-of-thorn-starfish infestations. Understanding the long-term effects of land-based pollution on the ecology of coral reefs in the GBR will thus provide a scientific basis to help ensure that it has a sustainable future.Read moreRead less
Conservation planning in a dynamic and uncertain world. Nature conservation planning is an emerging discipline at the interface of biological and mathematical sciences focused on designing conservation areas. We will improve existing tools for conservation planning, which almost always assume a static world, by developing theories and procedures for undertaking conservation planning in a dynamic and uncertain world. A risk assessment and decision-making framework will be developed so that a vari ....Conservation planning in a dynamic and uncertain world. Nature conservation planning is an emerging discipline at the interface of biological and mathematical sciences focused on designing conservation areas. We will improve existing tools for conservation planning, which almost always assume a static world, by developing theories and procedures for undertaking conservation planning in a dynamic and uncertain world. A risk assessment and decision-making framework will be developed so that a variety of landscape dynamics can be taken into account when planning reserves. This research will help to ensure that reserve networks designed in the future achieve their ultimate goal of the long-term persistence of biodiversity.Read moreRead less
Managing Ecosystem Change in the Greater Blue Mountains World Heritage Area. Protected areas are the primary mechanism for conserving Australia's unique biodiversity. Of added significance are areas of biodiversity recognised as World Heritage Areas, such as the GBMWA. Climate, pest species and altered fire regimes potentially diminish their ecological values but some of these anthropogenic threats can be managed. Effective management depends on spatially-explicit understanding that allows prior ....Managing Ecosystem Change in the Greater Blue Mountains World Heritage Area. Protected areas are the primary mechanism for conserving Australia's unique biodiversity. Of added significance are areas of biodiversity recognised as World Heritage Areas, such as the GBMWA. Climate, pest species and altered fire regimes potentially diminish their ecological values but some of these anthropogenic threats can be managed. Effective management depends on spatially-explicit understanding that allows priorities to be set and management objectives identified and tested. This research will develop a model for determining management priorities for large protected areas, meeting State, National and International obligations. Significant conservation benefits will accrue along with social, economic and human well-being benefits.Read moreRead less
Better oceans, better futures:Indigenous knowledges and oceans governance . This project aims to re-imagine oceans governance by drawing inspiration and guidance from Indigenous ontologies and epistemologies. Using an Indigenous lens, it will explore opportunities for more inclusive approaches to oceans governance and economic development. Current systems privilege and valorise ‘rational’ knowledge and data, marginalising subjective, relational and cultural values. The project outcomes will inc ....Better oceans, better futures:Indigenous knowledges and oceans governance . This project aims to re-imagine oceans governance by drawing inspiration and guidance from Indigenous ontologies and epistemologies. Using an Indigenous lens, it will explore opportunities for more inclusive approaches to oceans governance and economic development. Current systems privilege and valorise ‘rational’ knowledge and data, marginalising subjective, relational and cultural values. The project outcomes will include the identification of opportunities for better consideration of diverse values, knowledges and worldviews in existing governing systems.This will provide significant benefits, including greater agency for civil society, especially Indigenous communities at local, regional, national and international scales.Read moreRead less
Practical, powerful and cost effective indicators of sustainable forest management for the conservation of biological diversity. Much debate about appropriate use of Australia's forests stems from uncertainty about the magnitude of impacts on abundances and distributions of forest-dependent species, a key indicator of sustainable management under the Montreal Process. An opportunity exists to develop new tools to substantially improve our ability to detect and assess change. This project will de ....Practical, powerful and cost effective indicators of sustainable forest management for the conservation of biological diversity. Much debate about appropriate use of Australia's forests stems from uncertainty about the magnitude of impacts on abundances and distributions of forest-dependent species, a key indicator of sustainable management under the Montreal Process. An opportunity exists to develop new tools to substantially improve our ability to detect and assess change. This project will develop optimal monitoring design and analysis strategies for detecting population trends against a background of natural fluctuation and observation error. It will result in templates for coherent reporting on indicators at regional and national levels. It will exploit recent findings regarding observation error in surveys, advances in statistical control processes, simulation methods, and power analysis to develop a world-class species monitoring system.Read moreRead less