Linkage Projects - Grant ID: LP0776618

Funding Activity

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Funded Activity Summary

Propagation of terrestrial orchids for cultivation and conservation using in vitro symbiotic germination and tuberisation . The objective is to make Australian terrestrial orchids which have spectacular and unusual flower shapes and colours easier to grow, by producing tubers coated with mycorrhizal fungi. The availability of such propagules will be of value for horticulture, reintroduction of orchid species when rehabilitating mined land, and restoration of populations of rare and endangered species. At present germination of the dust-like seeds with the appropriate mycorrhizal fungus, and handling the slow growing delicate seedlings makes these beautiful species unavailable except to the dedicated orchid enthusiast.

Funded Activity Details

Start Date: 07-2008

End Date: 03-2009

Funding Scheme: Linkage Projects

Funding Amount: $126,000.00

Funder: Australian Research Council

Research Topics

ANZSRC Field of Research (FoR)

Horticultural Production | Plant Growth And Development | Plant Physiology

ANZSRC Socio-Economic Objective (SEO)

Ornamentals, Australian natives and nursery plants |