Discovery Indigenous - Grant ID: IN160100046

Funding Activity

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Funded Activity Summary

Remote Aboriginal families and carers of children with disabilities. The project intends to explore the challenges that Aboriginal families who have children with disabilities experience when living in remote communities. Living in a community with family supports is important for the wellbeing, health and spirituality of Aboriginal people in the Ngaanyatjarra Pitjantjara Yankunytjatjara (NPY) lands. However, the NPY Women’s Council are concerned that this is a significant challenge for families and carers of children with disabilities. Project results will be used to propose models for supporting children with disabilities and their families and caregivers to live good lives in their communities. The outcomes are expected to inform service redesign to allow Aboriginal people to fully benefit from the National Disability Insurance Scheme.

Funded Activity Details

Start Date: 04-2016

End Date: 04-2019

Funding Scheme: Discovery Indigenous

Funding Amount: $513,783.00

Funder: Australian Research Council